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Welcome to My Home Page

My Warhammer 40k page
The TRUE best page in the universe

Welcome to my goddamn webpage. Feel free to look around and marvel at my masterful painting techniques in the Warhammer 40k page. If you don't like it, BLOW ME! I have better things to do than listen to you people bitch and moan about how you could do better. In any case, you people should thank me for the fun and interesting things at the end of this page. You really should. If you don't SUCK MY BALLS! Oh yeah, here is a thinking problem. If you get it wrong, you are a dumb bastard. HAVE FUN!

You are driving along a long lonesome road during a terrible storm when you drive by a bus stop. Standing there is a very old woman who looks like she is about to die, the most beautiful and perfect woman you have ever seen, and a friend you havent seen in a while who once saved your life. Now what do you do? Drive the old lady to the hospital, let the perfect woman into your car and live happily ever after, or give a lift to your friend to repay him for saving your life? You can only have 1 other passenger. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find out the CORRECT answer.

By the way, feel free to take one of the roses as a .gif from me to you. Hehe I made a funny. Damn I rule!

Ok people. This is my part of the page dedicated to fun and frolic. Hehe frolic. That's a funny word... I hate hippies. Stupid smelly filthy fuckheads. Clean yourself up you filthy son of a bitch or do you want to be a hippie? WELL? ANSWER ME DAMN YOU!

Here are just some random funny pics that I have

The following pic depicts foul language. Do not scroll down if your not allowed to by your parents or age restrictions.

Well after the voting fiasco I think the entire world is laughing at the US for electing George Bush. Yet another sign of the coming apocalypse. Speaking Of the Apocalypse, Halloween ressurection, and Jason X have got to be terrorist movies!

The answer to the Thinking outside the box riddle was....Give the keys to the friend who once saved your life, and let him drive the old lady to a hospital and stay and wait for the bus with the perfect woman! HA! Now that was an actual question on an application to microsoft. cool aint it?

Now go up top and go to the Warhammer page!
