Kia ora and welcome to my web site. If you have visited before, I have changed some things around, but still have all the interesting bits and pieces on show. The focus of this web site is New Zealand history, genealogy and thats about it really. I tend to dabble around with history, and put things on the site that interest me. There are photos of early New Zealand, a fair bit on my genealogy, and some genealogy resources that I found useful and thought I would share. Just have a browse, you will always be able to tell when you have left my site by no longer seeing this purple (lavendar?) background - hey, I call it branding!
I haven't a heap of time at the moment to keep the site as up-to-date as I would like (when you are dealing with history, does it really matter??!!). But please keep the comments, ideas and information flowing, I will endeavour to keep up...
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