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The Big Chiefs 40K Site

Welcome to the Cheltenham War Chief's WH40K domain. As a club, we emphasise more upon WHFB by and large, not for any particular reason other than it's the game which most of the members collect. However, there is a surfacing interest in the nightmare world of 40K, so we'll have to see how this site develops. In this site, I want to try and offer a basic description of Warhammer 40,000, its background and the mechanics, as well as providing new rules and comments, game queries and questions. Another main feature will hopefully be details of coming tournaments, also to be found at the Warhammer Players Society website (check out the link below)

Warhammer 40,000 is one of the best selling tabletop wargames ever produced. Set in a nightmare future, where war is the norm for all races, the player controls the success and destiny of his troops, whether they be the heroes of humanity in the form of Space Marines or the foul savageness of the Orks. It also has a rich background and history, developed over many years and its three incarnations (Rogue Trader, 2nd edition and 3rd edition) which should appeal to any sci-fi fan where-ever you may be hiding.

By following the links below, you can access everything from our own ruleset (published by the WPS) to various insights into the game as provided by our own members. Any comments you have, please E-mail me at the address below. No adverts or insulting messages please!!!

New! Check out the home rule section for the Codex:Tanith version i've been working on for the past few weeks!

This site is a proud member of the Warhammer 40,000 webring.



This Warhammer 40,000 Webring page is owned by The Big Chiefs.

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My favourite links

Codex:Squats- here at last!
The best Games Workshop search engine on the web.
Lycos - Search the Web
The Warhammer Players Society Home Page
The Games Workshop homepage
The races of the 40K universe
Home rules and works in progress
The Cheltenham War Chiefs Homepage
Tips 'n' Tactics
Modelling and painting
Battle reports
WH40K personalities.
