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All About Me, Hannah Salisbury!

No, that's not me, but I don't have a scanner to scan in my photo, so bear with me please. Anyways, I am new to EF and would like to get started as soon as possible, so any guides or pointers are quite welcome! To start off, I have 5 horses consisting of two racers (Lilly and Dee) and three show horses (Sierra, Frisky, Echo). My prime occupation is to be a jockey (but first I need your business! *hint, hint* ;P) and a trainer as well. I am currently constructing a stable, which I'm sure will be awhile before it opens to the public. However, you can have a sneak peak at our homepage, but I ask you not to click on the links, as they are inactive. Feedback is always welcome! Also, I love to chat, and I hope some new screen names will be finding their way to my buddy list! To chat with me, I go under "SunnieGyrl215". Well, I think that's it about me. Please feel free to visit my horses' pages, too! I hope to see you all around!

My wonderful horses!

December Twilight
Decisive Moment
Sierra Gold
Mischief Maker
Classic Echo
