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The Soldier's Guide

Class Type: Slow speed, heavily armored

Weapons: single barrel shotgun, double barrel shotgun, rocket launcher and crowbar

Grenades: 4 hand grenades 2 nail grenades

Abilities: Can rocket jump see the Rocket Jumping Section

Defense and Attack

For the soldier you must always aim ahead and like the sniper its a class that needs practice at and there aren't any cunning tips to help you, practice makes you good. The rockets always take awhile to get to there destination so you have to think ahead. You must guess where the enemy is going and then fire where you think he will be next to hit him. Fight in large open spaces and and use your nail grenades to weaken down the enemy and use the grenades and rockets to finish them off. In attack use your rocket to distract the enemy from your teams scouts and medics and if you do get the flag let the medic take it home it'll be much quicker. Soldiers are often the bulk of the army and tough troop to kill.