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© Copyright 2006
by More Than Novellas

Part II

Mrs Brown
December 1, 2006

Andrew rubbed his hand over his jaw as he waited for the door to open. He couldn’t believe he’d cut himself shaving, and worse still, dripped blood over his new shirt. He’d already been running late - his mom had decided to have serious words with him in the kitchen - and he didn’t have time to iron anything else. He had to make do with his black t-shirt, although teamed with his leather jacket it wasn’t quite the look he was aiming for that night.

Oh well, the Bible taught it was what was in the heart that mattered - and Anita should appreciate that better than most.

The door swung open and Anita stood there, looking prettier than he’d ever seen her. And stiffer. She forced her lips into a smile and Andrew saw that her teeth were firmly gritted. Now he knew how a dentist felt greeting his patients.

“You don’t have to look so excited,” he said before he could stop himself. The way her jaw clenched confirmed that teasing her again was probably the worst thing he could have done.

“Why are you doing this?” she asked, without moving from the doorstep.

“Doing what? Taking you out?” He turned out his palms in a gesture of innocence, “Because I want to spend some time with you.”

“So you can goad me all night? You must have missed that while you were away.”

“Yeah, I did - more than you can know.” Andrew took a deep breath, and held out his hand to her. “Annie, you promised me you’d come. Otherwise what’ll you tell the kids on Monday when they ask about the concert?”

Anita screwed her eyes shut at the reminder, and Andrew grabbed his chance and tucked her hand under his arm. “We’ll have to get a move on if we’re going to have dinner before the concert starts.”

She blew out her breath in resignation and walked with him to the car. He held the door open for her and she climbed in without another word, sitting rigidly while he came around the other side and started the car.

Bright Christmas lights sparkled in front yards on either side of the road as they drove along in awkward silence. Andrew tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. It seemed that getting her to go out with him hadn’t been the real challenge after all.

What did she think of him, to be so guarded like this? Was he really that much of a jerk? Even his mother had laid it on pretty heavy that afternoon - making it clear she didn’t want to see Anita getting hurt, telling him again what a special young lady she was. Telling *him*? He knew that - that was the whole reason he’d never been able to get close to any other girl.

“What do I need to do to make you forget everything between us in the past?” he asked suddenly.

“I told you I’d forgive you, Andrew. What more do you want?”

“A whole lot more. I want you like me, not … not -” he shook his head in frustration, “put up all your spines like a hedgehog every time I come near.”

“A … a hedgehog?” she spluttered, swinging around to look at him, “What do you expect if every time you come near you jab at me like … like a big black bear!”

Andrew burst into laughter. A big black bear - well, he’d asked for that.

“That’s what it feels like,” Anita continued, incensed by his amusement, “You are always poking and prodding, trying to make me squirm - and I hate myself when I snap back at you. That might amuse you, Andrew Boyd, but I hate it.”

As well as frustration, there was pain in her voice that cut straight through to Andrew’s heart.

“I’m sorry, Annie - would you believe I never meant to hurt you?” He reached across to take her hand but she pulled it out of reach, and shrugged.

“What did* you want, then?”

“To laugh with you, I guess. You’ve always been so inflexibly serious, that I couldn’t resist -”

“Couldn’t resist making me the butt of your jokes?” she cut him off. “You know, it would be a lot easier forgetting the past if it wasn’t right here in the middle of my present, too.”

Andrew relapsed into silence. It was all going so wrong. He well knew Anita’s soft heart - her dogged loyalty to those she cared for, and the way her relationship with Jesus shone brightly through her love for others. When they were in school, her faith had made his own worldliness all the more apparent, and even though he’d been drawn to her then, they’d had nothing to base a relationship on.

But now … since tasting the emptiness of material success, and finally growing up in his own walk with God, he craved everything that Anita was. How could he ever get her to see beyond who he was on the outside, to the changes that were taking place in his heart?

“So, where are we going for dinner?” Anita asked when they pulled up at a set of lights. Her tone made it clear she was there under sufferance. Andrew scowled. He’d planned to take her to the Steakhouse on the Main Street, thinking the up-beat atmosphere might relax her - but it would be busy, and full of people they knew. There’d be no chance to solve anything there.

The light turned green and Andrew suddenly swung the car around in a U-turn, taking the road back out of town.

“Andrew! Where are you taking me?”

“Wait and see,” he told her, smiling at the idea that had popped into his head. They had an hour and a half until the concert started - and Lord willing, he was going to find some common ground between them before then.

Elizabeth Delayne
December 4, 2006

Anita looked around the restaurant as they waited for the hostess to come back. She felt way, way out of her comfort zone. Instead of a casual meal in town, he'd driven her thirty miles out of their way to the closest city of Riverport. It wasn't fancy, but it was quiet, and changed the whole idea of what she'd thought he had in mind.

What was she doing on a date with Andrew Boyd?

She turned to look at him and found him watching her. It was disconcerting. They weren’t kids anymore. The look in his eyes was so much more ... and probably what drew every other girl to him before. She would have to remember that. She would have to keep it light.

She stepped forward and put a finger to the small drop of blood on his shirt. “What did you do to yourself, now, Boyd.”

He laughed derisively and took her fingers in his hand. “Cut myself shaving like a teenager.”

She looked up at him, meaning to say something smart and witty, and ended up only looking at him. He was rubbing her fingers with his own. And looking at her like ... like something unimaginable.

“You bring that out in me, Anita,” he said softly.

“Your teenage angst?”

“More nerves and uncertainty.” He laughed. "Maybe that is teenage angst."


“We have your tables now.”

Megan Sumers
December 8, 2006

Anita snatched her hand away, confused. She was both reluctant and eager to put distance between herself and Andrew.

Andrew swallowed with difficulty. What had he gotten himself into! He had long been aware of his attraction for Anita, but little had he realized how being in such a setting would amplify it! She looked perfect tonight, tasteful and demure, yet glowing with, … with something.

As soon as they reached their table, Anita excused herself. She could feel the heat of her embarrassment still lingering in her face, her neck – even her ears! What is it that he does to me, she thought, and Why?! This can’t be happening. It can’t be happening with Boyd. Anyone but Boyd.

But why not Boyd?

At that thought, she sat on the bench and placed her reddened face in her hands. How can I even think that! Of course not Boyd! It’s preposterous! Or is it. She groaned as she stood and tried to cool her face with a damp cloth.

Andrew fiddled with his napkin in his lap. He glanced toward the restrooms, hoping that Anita wasn’t sick. Or trying to be sick. Or crawling out the window. Oh, stop it man, he scolded himself, get a grip. He looked up again, and this time Anita walked toward him gracefully. He stood up as she approached, anxious as a schoolboy.

“Is everything all right?”

“Of course.” Anita replied graciously. “Have you ordered?”

“He brought waters, but I wanted to wait for you.” Andrew helped her into the chair opposite his and rounded the table to sit.

“That was very thoughtful of you. Thank you.” Anita was stunned. This gentlemanly behavior further distorted her view of this man. This man, who had for so long been her nemesis. A gentleman. Who’d have thought? and how would she resist him? And did she want to? She frowned, of course I want to!

“Is there nothing that appeals to you? We could go someplace else.” Andrew saw her frown, his heart sinking.

“No, it all looks great! It'll be hard to choose!” Anita covered.

“I love Giorgio’s, I don’t think I’ve had the same thing twice. Do you like mushrooms?”


“You might try the Saltimbocca. They do it a little differently with a portabella sauce. It’ll melt in your mouth!”

The couple placed their orders and sipped their drinks. An awkward silence hung between them until Andrew could stand it no longer.

“Look, I’m sorry I tricked you into this, but I’m not sorry that we’re here. I really want to know you better.” He added tentatively, “and I want you to get to know me better.” He looked up, relieved to find her still sitting there, but discouraged that the frown was back.

“Ok, honestly Boyd? I don’t know what to make of all of this. I don’t get it. It doesn’t match the Boyd I know. Or thought I knew.”

“You’re right.” Andrew surprised her. “It doesn’t match who I was as a kid. The prankster, the mouth. None of it. But I want you to see that’s not who I am anymore. I grew up, went away. I worked hard in a tough field and now I’m back. I’m home. That experience was great, it nearly killed me, but it taught me that I can’t keep going through life like I was. Not if I want … what I want.” He stopped. It’s too soon, he thougt to himself, I can’t be talking like this. Not yet.

Anita felt the heat rise in her face again. Is he saying what I think he’s saying, she wondered. and why am I excited about this?! She sighed. “Ok Boyd. Andrew. If we’re going to start over, I might as well call you Andrew.” Anita smiled tentatively and was rewarded with Andrew's heartbreaking grin. “I feel I should apologize too.” Andrew began to protest, but she begged, “Please, hear me out. I’ve not been easy on you either. I baited you, too. I’ve held a lot of anger and resentment for you for years.” She took a breath. “I was jealous.”

“Of me?!” Andrew was shocked.

“Yes, you. You always were so, I don’t know – free. Nothing tying you down, holding you back, making you responsible. I envied you that. You could just be goofy and do whatever you felt like doing and there were never consequences. I would have given anything to have that.”

“But your so…not anything like that.” Andrew sputtered.


The sad, almost yearning eyes looking back at him broke his heart. Exactly, he thought, Of course. She’s the oldest in her family and took on more than most kids had to. He reached a hand across the table and rubbed his thumb across her knuckles. “I get it.”

Recognition slashed back and forth across the table. He really does get it, Anita thought. Who’d have thought. She chuckled while withdrawing her hand and lowering her head, reaching for her water goblet.

“What’s that for?”

“I was thinking – who’d have thought.” She looked up, smiling. “and not for the first time tonight!”

“Oh, I hope to keep you thinking that for a long time!”

“I’m glad we can be friends. It seems like the longer I stay in this town, the more people move out."

Friends? He contemplated, friends. Well, if that’s how she wants it for now, then that’s how it’ll be.

January 11, 2007

Friends, for now, He decided and said a quick prayer to know what to say next.

Before he could, she interrupted his musings. "Why did you come back? and What are you planning to do now?"

He paused and looked away. "Since I have experienced Jesus' hold on my life, I know there needs to be changes in the way I do things, but I have not worked it all out yet."

The waiter arriving with their food stopped the conversation.

Megan Sumers
December 19, 2006

The rest of their meal played out in true friendly fashion. Andrew was a complete gentleman, but in a simple, chivalrous, friendly – almost brotherly sort of way.

Anita could appreciate this, but something tugged at the back of her mind. Or was it her heart? Something within her missed the playfulness in Andrew. He was being too careful, too … good.

She’d almost rather have Bad Boy Boyd back, almost. But not quite. She decided she could get used to this side of Andrew and would enjoy it while it lasted. After all, she didn’t expect to spend much more time with him, did she? This was, of course, just one night. Just one time.

Nothing more.


As they hurried from the restaurant, Andrew unlocked the passenger side door and handed Anita into her seat before rushing around the front and sliding into his own.

“So tell me, do you always hold the door for your friends?”

“Yup. Get teased about it too, but I won’t stop.”

“Don’t you think it’s unnecessary, now that we’ve all got power locks?”

“That’s not the point. It’s about thinking about other people. Putting their needs in front of your own. Maybe they don’t…need…the door opened, but I think it’s the little things in life that count. And when those little things start falling by the wayside, what’s left?”

“I get your point, it just seems…I don’t know…extreme.”

“Maybe it is. I just know that I like doing it, it’s a habit, and I don’t plan to stop.”

“Fair enough. So you think we’ll make it to the concert before intermission?” They both laughed at this and continued toward town sharing friendly banter.

Anita unconsciously tugged on the sleeve of her shirt. The one she’d changed four times.

January 29, 2007

Andrew and Anita arrived at the concert just as the trumpet gave an enthusiastic whinny at the end of "Sleigh Ride," the concert's traditional opening number. While the audience was showing their appreciation with applause, they found a seat near the back on a bench in the park. Andrew was glad that Anita had brought a hat, scarf, and gloves in addition to her warm winter parka. He would have felt terrible if she had caught cold as a result of their excursion.

"We should go on a sleigh ride," he whispered in Anita's ear. When she gave him a startled and perhaps slightly shocked glance, he felt heat rise to warm his cold cheeks. "Well, we've had great snow for a few weeks now. Wouldn't a sleigh ride be perfect in this weather?"

Anita lowered her voice as the opening strains of "O Little Town of Bethlehem" floated across the park to their ears. "Isn't that, well, a little too -- "

"Romantic?" Andrew grinned as he saw a blush steal up Anita's face this time.

Neither said a thing as the gentle sounds of the Susssex Mummer's Carol came next, followed by a rousing rendition of the Carol of the Bells. Finally, Anita turned to face him. He could see on her face that she was ready to answer his suggestion. He wasn't entirely sure he wanted to hear what she had to say.

February 17, 2007

"I'm sorry but I can't, no I won't do it. This has all been nice but its too much too soon. I need time to absorb this new you. After thinking of you as 'Bad Boy Boyd' for so long, the door holding, sweet talking, Boyd is just so unexpected." Anita paused and pleaded silently for him to understand with her eyes wide.

"Lets just enjoy the rest of the concert - as friends. I would like to get to know you - the real you but lets not complicate things with romance."

Boyd looked disappointed for a moment as the strains of 'Silent Night' filled the still night air. Looking up at the twinkling stars above them he silently communed with his new found Master. And received his answer "Wait."

Turning to the beautiful girl as his side he smiled and to her surprise patted her on the head. "Ok Friend - he emphasized - Let's just enjoy the music. As your friend it is important for me to ensure you have a great time." Sticking out his hand - he grabbed hers for a firm handshake. Her mouth dropped open. "Careful friend" - he laughed - "something may fly in."

As he turned her to stage, she was even more confused than before. She had gotten what she asked for, but suddenly it did not seem enough. "What had she gotten herself into?" she wondered. Could it be that just one week ago she was the contented schoolteacher with the dark handsome stranger (no friend she amended) at her side a distasteful memory from the past.

There was certainly no distaste now, just keen curiousity to know this man better. Seeing that he had readily accepted her proposal of friendship - she would hide behind it and see who this new Boyd really was. She would even have to get a new nickname for him. Nothing good went with Boyd or Andrew so but 'New True Drew' or the 'Drew I Never Knew' - tickled her fancy. Smiling she hummed along to Nat Cole's 'Chestnuts Roasting'. But the smile did not go unnoticed by Boyd who was almost tempted to tickle it out of her, but instead whispered in her ear. "I hope my friend that beautiful smile came with good thoughts about me - your most faithful friend" - he added.

They both companionably sat together and sang and hummed along with the other patrons at the concert and when it drew to a close there was no tension as they headed to the car for the drive home.

At her house he again held her door open and helped her out, wondering how and when he would see her again, but she to her surprise invited him to the weekly bible study to be held on Wednesday evening. He accepted and after seeing her in, drove away, humming and grinning. She walked inside and sat on the couch her mind reeling over the last few hours that had literally shifted the ground beneath her feet.

On that thought she got off her feet and to her knees and simply poured out her heart to her Best Friend. Knowing that all her burdens and worries would be handled best by Him. That done she was able to enjoy a peaceful night sleep, where in her dreams a big black bear took her for a sleigh ride with all the kids from her class.

The next few days past in a blur and soon the time for the bible study came. Looking around the small group, True Drew was noticeably absent. But when she open her eyes after the prayer the empty seat beside her was now filled - with him. But he said nothing just reading along with the leader and even making a point or two. She on the other hand could barely concentrate on the words in front of her.

But as the weeks went on and he continued to be just a friendly presence, she relaxed and accepted more of his invitations so that soon there was very little she did not know about her old/new friend. They had so much in common, it surprised her that they had been enemies for so long.

Andrew on the other hand was watching and praying and waiting as he had been told for just the right moment. For finally getting to know Anita brought him a joy that he knew he could not live without. The little things that both enjoyed confirmed to him what he had known all along. The girl next door was the one who held his heart.

He had something special planned for valentine's day but kept it to himself because he did not want to spook her. But he knew it was time to make his move.

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