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Chapter 8

© Copyright 2006 by Roy E. Proctor

“Well, Jimmy,” Rose Ann admonished. “You know the situation you are in and you know the score right?”

“Yes,” Jimmy replied blankly. “I’m guilty and could get 20 years.”

“That’s right, Jimmy. Is that what you want?”

“Well, if that’s what I get, then it will have to be, I guess.”

“You’re not concerned at all? You don’t want me to get a lesser sentence?”

“Look, I know my dad hired you and you’re doing your job but …”

“Your dad hired the firm in which I work. I was assigned to your case. And as a lawyer, I‘m going to do the best I can.”

“All right, do your thing then.”

“Jimmy, no one understands why you are so resigned to whatever you get. But I think some evidence may have emerged that could relate to that.”

Rose Ann opened her brief case and placed a small tape player on the table.

“What is that?” Jimmy asked.

“This, young man, is a taped conversation between you and some mystery person. I think you might be interested in hearing it.”

“Me?” Jimmy asked. “A mystery man?”

Jimmy looked like he had seen a ghost as he listened to the conversation.

“Hello there, Jimmy Boy. How’s my Kingpin doing?”

“Why did you call me here? And how did you get this number? It‘s unlisted.”

“Why, you mean your daddy wouldn’t enjoy the likes of me calling his house? Why Jimmy Boy, don’t you know that guys like me have contacts in high places?” the mystery caller responded with a sneer in his voice. “Give anyone enough money and they’ll give you what you want, even sell their soul, right?”

“All right, then, why did you call?”

“Now, I’m surprised at you Jimmy Boy. I just called to express my gratitude for your doing so well. Why, did you know that you’re my number one pusher? In fact, you passed everyone else by at least 30%. Now, I want to reward you for that.”

“Look,” Jimmy replied frantically. “I’m doing what you’ve asked me to do. Can’t we let it go at that?”

“Well … to tell you the truth, I have a promotion in mind for you.”

“No,” Jimmy responded instantly.

“Jimmy Boy, you still don’t understand. I could let some truth slip out, you know. And, oh what a smear it would cause. Why…”

“I‘ll have to think about it,” Jimmy shouted.

“Okay. You’ve got a little time. I’ve got to get some things worked out yet but I wanted to make sure I could count on you. Until then, bye.”

The immediate dial signal echoed throughout the room, making the concrete walls seem colder than they were already. A look of stark fear enveloped Jimmy’s face.

“Jimmy,” Rose Ann asked softly. “Who is the scum bag that called you?”

“I … can’t … give you his name. You mustn’t know.” Jimmy replied sheepishly.

“Well, Jimmy, you better think on this a bit. The prosecution will certainly use this to connect you big time with drugs. You might get more than twenty years. How does that sound.?”

“They won’t find that scum bag, will they?” Jimmy asked anxiously.

“Well, there is an outside chance that they can. Surely this guys phone has been tapped some time or other. Or maybe he was arrested but the charges wouldn’t stick. Anyway, it’s possible that a sample of his voice was recorded. Have you ever heard of voice prints, Jimmy?”

“Oh … well … yes.”

“If his voice print is on record somewhere, they will find out who he is.”

“Oh,” Jimmy replied.

“What does that scum bag have on you Jimmy?”

“Nothing,” Jimmy shot back.

“Your dad was mentioned. Does he have something on him?”

“You leave my dad out of this,” Jimmy shouted angrily. “He didn’t push those drugs, I did.” Jimmy jumped up and shouted, “Guard, my visit is over.”

Rose Ann’s heart was dealt yet another blow. Now she knew that the key to this case involved the man she had come to love. She barely heard the clank of the prison door behind her as she walked to her car in a state of complete bewilderment. The ringing of her cell phone interrupted her intense thoughts. The words of Adam Greenlee, a private investigator, sent chills up and down her spine.

“Rose Ann, we’ve identified your mystery caller.”

HEY! and don't forget to e-mail Roy E. Proctor if you have a comment! He would really like to hear from you.

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