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Long Live The King!!!

This guy is obviously my idol. I've been declared mentally unstable, but loving Stephen King is not a clue to that. If you think King is all about horror, think again. Sure, he occasionally writes about monsters and devilish supernatural beings, but mainly he writes about life. And horror is a natural part of life, not just a genre. Without the feeling of terror, then to quote Michael Crichton, you're a leaf that doesn't know it's part of a tree. You wake up and think 'Oh no, am I late? Did I sleep too long?!' Then you look at your clock... and it's over. That rush that leads to the relaxation is almost orgasmic. Any everyday experience could turn into horror. Such as a young lady on a long drive who hasn't eaten since the morning before: -----------She anxiously bit her lip, hoping soon to quench that need that lurked throughout her mind. Even the scraps on the plate left behind by the elderly couple sitting near her in the restaurant the previous morning that had disgusted her now seemed lusciously delectable. Her stomach growled loudly, not just begging but DEMANDING that she satisfy its needs or it would continue its dominance of her body until it drove her absolutely insane. From the corner of her eye she caught a hint of a yellow sign over the trees around the bend! Could it be the golden arches of the country's most popular fast food franchise? ...Alas, it was nothing more than the sign of a fleabag motel, sitting alongside the highway waiting for a honeymooning couple that just couldn't wait to get to their destination, or perhaps a local cheating pair. She cursed the dark night and all the stars within it.-------------See? With the right words, anything could build the suspense of a horror novel. But most people would just say, 'A hungry girl was driving along and couldn't find a place to eat.' Words are everything, and Stephen King knows it. That's how he sold millions of copies of a novel about a little girl lost in the woods! Okay, I've preached enough, but I have to admit that his true horror novels that include monsters and gore are my favorites. hehehe I've got some of my own writing in the Literary Feast, but it doesn't compare to that of the master... no way. But if you think King is all about monsters and gore, check this out.

More Madness

My Favorite Stephen King Characters
The Official Stephen King Web Presence
Fangoria, America's Favorite Horror Magazine
More Pure Terror
Queenie's web site
Roy Hudson's Literary Feast
