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Ninth Grade Info
Tenth Grade Info
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Note: A limerick is an Irish poem. It is humorous, has the rhyme scheme AABBA, and has a set meter. Below is an example.

There was a young lady named Bright (u / | u u / | u u /) [1 iamb and 2 anapests]
Whose speed was far faster than light (u / | u u / | u u /) [1 iamb and 2 anapests]
She went out one day (u / | u u /) [1 iamb and 1 anapest]
In a relative way (u u / | u u /) [2 anapests]
And returned on the previous night. (u u / | u u / | u u /) [3 anapests]
Note: u=unstressed /=stressed

(Emotion) is (color).
It smells like __________.
It tastes like __________.
It sounds like __________.
It looks like __________.
It feels like __________.
(Emotion) is __________(give a metaphoric statement).

Line 1 - first name only
Line 2 - 4 traits that describe you (use adjectives)
Line 3 - Sibling/son/daughter, etc. of __________.
Line 4 - Lover of (three ideas--use abstract nouns)
Line 5 - Who feels (3 items)
Line 6 - Who needs (3 items)
Line 7 - Who gives (3 items)
Line 8 - Who fears (3 items)
Line 9 - Who would like to see (3 items)
Line 10 - Resident of (city, street, subdivision)
Line 11 - Your last name only

A tanka is a five line Japanese poem that does not rhyme. It has 31 syllables. A tanka is about a single emotion and uses a single image to describe the emotion.

Please email me with questions.