Swedish Interview Part 3

Host: Batman wants to know – what is your favourite song when you play live?
Christoph:(long pause) I wanna play the new songs. I can’t listen to the old ones anymore, We’ve been such a long time on tour with this and we really, really, really want to play the new songs.
Till: For me it’s definitely the dildo song – Bück Dich. I like to fuck the keyboard.
Christoph: I told you he’s a faggot
Till: So I’m a faggot, okay
Int: A keyboard faggot?
Till: Keyboarder! I don’t want to fuck a keyboard, that thing is quite boring and cold
Host: So Mathias wants to know the name Rammstein, where does it come from?
Christoph: Oh fuck! (looking at Till who’s just thrown water at him) Scuse me Mathias, there’s a town in Germany called Ramstein. There used to be an airbase and there was an accident happened in 1988 and our name comes from this town and we wrote a song about it, this accident and the name. Actually the name come to us…..came to us.
Host: I have a fantastic question from Jess Marks in the USA who wants to know have any of the band members ever owned a reptile for a pet?
Till: No, fishes, but a reptile I can’t remember, no – we eat it, reptiles….
(Chris looks at Till in amazement)
Till: Yeah, it’s very big in Germany – eat reptiles but it’s hard to get it, you have to go to Florida to get it and Japan, they do very good reptiles there.
Host: This is like sushi?
Till: Yeah, in a way Host: It’s the same taste as raw sushi?
Till: Yeah, we have cold water, a lot of salt in side and then you put it inside and wait, maybe 2 months and then it’s good (straining not to laugh)
Host: So it’s like reptile sushi?
Till: Exactly – oh yes…
Host: So Jonas wants to know what is your future project, is there like a future project for Rammstein?
Till: Its, actually it’s the world tour. that’s in the near future, think we’re going to make… we don’t think so far.
Christoph: We’re living in the present. The next thing we’re going to do is the tour and other things come and ….
Host: There’s a lot of explosions and stuff on stage when you’re up there and Jeremy wants to know is it not a danger to the audience when you use all those fireworks and stuff?
Till: It used to be but we had a kind of accident in the old days and it was the point we changed our opinion about making everything we wanna make, so we – since that day, we have a professional crew, pyrotechnics, stuff like that. There was a big pressure from some departments, some fire departments. I had to make a pyro licence, stuff like that and all the band members, they are introduced in the things, what’s going on onstage and specially stuff what’s going on with the audience. There, on the stage, there’s a special line, we can’t…..it’s like a border, don’t cross this border when you do the pyro, stuff like that, you have to be very careful.
Christoph: Everything is very safe now
Till: Yeah
Host: Have you ever gotten hurt…..
Christoph: Like in the, in America, there’s the Universal studios and you can experience all the movies and sitting close to the fire and water come from everywhere and you don’t get wet and that’s the same like Rammstein.
Till: Well, I get wet there
Christoph: Yeah, we do but nobody cares about us
Till: That’s right
Host: So do you enjoy concerts in general?
Sometimes they can be pretty boring. Do you wanna have it like a big sort of a experience?
Till: We wanna go for a new show and new stage, new costumes and its, now it a bit boring. The old set up and the old show, the old effects and its like shift working, we have to change it immediately.
Host: We have another question from someone who calls themselves BR – which members wrote the new album. I mean, do you write it together, or how does it work?
Christoph: We are a democratic group and every member has the same input, not the same input but I can tell you like it is, the most of the ideas came as an idea from the guitar players and we go into the rehearsal room and try to make a demo song of it. Then the whole thing goes to the singer where he tries to choose one of his lyrics and fir it together and the hardest process is to fit the lyrics on the music and that’s the way it is in Rammstein
Host: Somebody wants to know – I read a small note in a newspaper that one of the members in the band dies in an accident.
Christoph: That’s a lie, that’s not true
Host: …and when was this, when…
Christoph: There was something in the news, I remember a friend of us dies by airplane crash, airplane accident in Mexico
Till: That’s the way it is, someone farts in Europe and in the states there’s a hurricane, that’s the way it is, its press.
Host: That’s the way it is
Till: Okay, yeah
Host: So you’ve had a long day today and we’ve really enjoyed it, you came into the studio and chat with all your fans out there, so thank you very much for coming.
Till: Okay, no problem
Host: Nice talking to you. Maybe we should say goodbye to the audience
Till: Bye audience
Christoph: Bye bye
Host: Right, ciao!
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