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Yes, there will be times when you're at a crossroads and you're waiting for a breakthrough but you feel like you are having a breakdown and you're wondering "What is going on?" I think if you look at it from a higher perspective and in a spiritual way you will begin to realize that sometimes the problems, and the setbacks and disappointments are meant to either direct you, inspect you, correct you, protect you, or perfect you. Think of a situation you're going through right now. Is it God's way of directing you on a new path, a new direction, a new way of thinking, a new way of living, a new job? Is the situation an opportunity for God to inspect you to see really where is your faith, where is your courage, where is your integrity, where is your stamina? It's so easy to be positive and have faith when everything is going well but we'll be inspected to see if we have the faith and the endurance when we come through the difficult times. Or is the situation God's way of correcting you? Perhaps you're making the wrong choices, maybe lacking faith or good judgment, maybe you keep repeating the same thing over and over again hoping to get different results but you're not, and it's an opportunity now to correct you and put your life on the right track. Or maybe the situation is meant to protect you. Sometimes the very thing we think we want we don't need it in our lives because we aren't ready for it or it's not the best thing for us. Sometimes our blessings come in a disguise to protect us from harm. Sometimes the things you are going through are meant to perfect you, to make you stronger, wiser, more loving, more empowered, more encouraged, to have better judgment, more compassion, more faith, to have more courage, or to have more character. My friend I don't know what you're going through, but look to see if God is trying to direct you, inspect you, correct you, protect you or perfect you. iohoihiohihoihih

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