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Andy Online
Monday, May 3, 2004
Yoooooou got what I need...
Today's entry in This Book Will Change Andy's Life is up, and it's full of Andy art!

Ten new pics that didn't make the cut, too.

Posted by Andy at 10:43 PM EDT
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My name is Humpty, pronounced with an umpty
Now Playing: 'We Be Tryin' To Stay Alive' by Wyclef

Here's a good new feature for you... The Books I've Read in 2004, complete with pretty pictures and what I think of 'em.

Speaking of books, This Book Will Change Andy's Life has been updated with Snooping Day, Sense-less Day #2, No Money Day, and No TV Weekend.

Go ahead and brace yourself now, because with the release of this book, you KNOW it's coming... This Book Will Change Andy's Love Life. Oh boy. THAT should be an interesting year of posts. You know, having a love life would be a good start.

Please welcome Photos That Didn't Make The Cut #3, continuing the tradition with eight new and exciting images of rain, cats, and a disco superstar.

Want to add to the Andy becomes a teacher education fund? andyBay is the place for you... bid on my crap!

Al Franken... Senator in '08? I'd vote for him (if I was in a location where I could, which I'm not).

I'm really, really not cool with all of the torture of the Iraqis, and the fact that there might be more of it that we haven't been shown yet. And our country finds ways to look even worse...

I continue to advise you towards for all of the headlines. There's also the counter by the same folks seen down on the left somewhere here.

Kinda cool to see Tina Fey's movie come in first. Mmm... Tina Fey. What a funny woman. Not bad on the eyes, either.

Woohoo! The Simpsons cast salary dispute has been ended. Bring on the funny!

In something that'll freak out at least one person I know, a model tripled her weight to win the Jumbo Queen competition.

Sesame Street is coming to Afghanistan. After a few weeks of Elmo, tensions will rise even more...

I keep threatening to buy a lawn gnome... maybe I'll buy one of these.

Here's the new Batman. You know what that suit needs? Nipples.

The big books today are all about butts: Walter, Captain Underpants, Psycho Butts... though none of them are as good as Everyone Poops.

DMB news: The planned DMB Festival in New York has been cancelled. Dave's newest video, a live video with Trey Anastasio and Orchestra Baobob singing "So Damn Lucky" on the streets of Dakur, has been released.

Though I didn't give it that much praise at first (having listened to a song and a half), I'm really enjoying "Rock Against Bush Vol. One." Vol. Two is already in the works. The Foo Fighters are remaking "Gas Chamber," while also contributing are No Doubt, Green Day, and others. And to answer the question I really couldn't yesterday, profits are going towards advertising against Bush (MoveOn and such). There's also a tour in progress.

Bill Clinton's upcoming book is raising both hopes and doubts. I'll be picking up a copy the day it comes out, and get myself my additional 20% off of it. Woohoo! (And since it'll probably come out at 30% off, that's half price... bookstore employee ISN'T always bad...)

The Counting Crows have a new song that's the first single off the upcoming Shrek 2 soundtrack. Some people might be interested to know that the soundtrack also includes both Tom Waits and Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds.

In sad news, Augusta, GA has delayed the unveiling of its James Brown statue.

In what might be the most bland concert ever, Brad Paisley and John Mayer have done an episode of CMT Crossroads together (to their credit, I like one song by each). It's surely not as good as Crossroads classic pairings like Dave & Emmylou, The Chicks & James Taylor, Ryan Adams & Elton John, or Elvis Costello & Lucinda Williams. I am equally as scared to read that the next Crossroads has been taped, and it's... Wynonna and the group Heart. Ouch.

Posted by Andy at 12:02 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, May 3, 2004 4:49 PM EDT
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Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Word life
New for you! We have five days worth of TBWCAL entries. Fun stuff!

And then we have two brand new Five by Five entries, one that's half of a two-parter and the other that's the weekly Friday Five!

And in this corner, Andy's (incomplete) Music Archives!

And finally, in corner four, ten new Photos That Didn't Make The Cut!

Anonymous #1 (made the Mr. T and Norah banner, not the Family Guy one) just threw four more banners my way, one of which you see at the top. You can see 'em all in the Banner Bonanza. Come on gang and make me some more! (And pretend making doesn't count.)

Posted by Andy at 12:12 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 2:30 AM EDT
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Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Live as they happen!
Don't want to wait for me to do the real update? Here's the stuff I'm putting up, as I put it up! Real time action, baby!

This Book Will Change Andy's Life - five entries

Music Archives - new feature

more to come...

Posted by Andy at 9:24 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 9:56 PM EDT
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Thursday, April 22, 2004
Kenan and Kel...
Heeeeey heeeeey heeeeey, it's the first image from the Fat Albert movie! I so can't wait! I wish they'd put all of the episodes out on DVD.

Check out Photos That Didn't Make the Cut Album #2 for three more fantastic shots, including my artwork from class tonight.

Posted by Andy at 10:59 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, April 22, 2004 11:36 PM EDT
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Making faces
Now Playing: 'New Age Girl'
I'm still not sure how I ended up with so many Britney Spears banners of all things. The first person to make me a new Norah Jones banner will be my favorite person ever. And a Michelle Branch one, too. :) Pretty please?

This Book Will Change Andy's Life is once again up to date. Globalization Day! Graffiti Day! Feet Days! Mean Day! Roots Day!

Eight new photos that didn't make the cut have been added, too. D'oh!

The Brunswick area sure is getting jittery over the G-8 Summit. I'm interested to see how many protesters we get. That and if Senor Bush will accept my invitation to come over for tea and biscuits and discussion.

Bad punctuation drives her crazy. Me too, sister... me too (except on my website, apparently).

Meet the corporate college.

A man was fined $325 for annoying a squirrel. It was probably me.

"A group of property owners thinks there might be a new culprit behind Lake Tahoe's declining clarity: Goose droppings."

Be ready: April 28th is free scoop night at Baskin Robbins. Meanwhile, the 27th is free ice cream day at Ben & Jerry's. So I need to go to Savannah on the 27th...

From this article: "When the vice president and I are alone, it's Colin and Dick."

Is Wayne Brady gonna have to...

Michael Moore's new documentary Fahrenheit 911 has been selected to debut at the Cannes Film Festival.

Posted by Andy at 1:08 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, April 22, 2004 1:14 AM EDT
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Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Smoothie Song
I would like to rerecommend Radio Andy, my very own radio station through Listen to the music I like, rate it for your own station, and have fun!

Warning: Some music may contain explicit language.

Posted by Andy at 12:32 AM EDT
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Monday, April 19, 2004
No esta aqui!
Now Playing: 'Toxic'
I've added a new little counter of sorts down on the left sidebar at the bottom. Sad, really.

Photos That Didn't Make The Cut #2 has been updated with a ton of 'em. Or about eight, whichever. One that did make the cut would be the one you see there of the new, yet to be named car.

Five by Five has been updated with both the current and the previous Friday Fives. Yay!

In very related to the banner on the left news, the death toll is getting worse by the day.

Matt Groening is making his first ever real animated appearance on "The Simpsons." Or he did a few hours ago, whichever.

You know, the real downfall of playing guitar is the serious issue of guitar nipple.

In a poll of college students, which didn't include asking me, the college kids love that John Kerry. And good for them. It's still an unofficial poll until they ask this college kid though (for the record: Kerry... duh).

Batman and Robin are fighting crime again, but in a bright yellow car! Why can't this happen in Brunswick?

Posted by Andy at 12:12 AM EDT
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Thursday, April 15, 2004

I did a bunch of This Book Will Change Andy's Life entries. And the crowd rejoices.

More catching up next time.

Posted by Andy at 10:45 PM EDT
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Wednesday, April 7, 2004
Roses really smell like poo-ooo-ooh

Yeah, I rearranged the place. You know, to go with the new "AO Interaction" goal that's been SO successful so far. Oh, that was sarcasm. :)

Multiple new TBWCAL entries there, and a new Andy-full Five by Five there.

News of the day: surgeons who play video games mess up less.

I never want to read a headline that says Bob Dylan sells panties again ever. Eww. And really, the thought of his face showing up in Victoria's Secret commercials kinda kills it all.

The Hardest Working Man in Showbiz has asked his wife to leave his current tour.

"Simpsons" voice actor Yeardley Smith (Lisa) has her own one woman show. No updates on the voice actor strike.

I have now read it all. Stolen: one lawn gnome. But look at the ransom note! And in a somewhat related story, I give you this story that was actually on Wow.

This just in from New Scientist magazine, which proclaims themselve to be "The World's No. 1 Science & Technology News Service": Teenage lesbians have worst rates of smoking. Very scientific.

Did you know... teeth cells may grow in other body parts.

Wow... that's some hair Pink has going on. I kinda like it.

Posted by Andy at 1:41 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, April 7, 2004 1:56 AM EDT
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