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Matchbox 20

This page is dedicated in full to the most wonderful group in the world-Matchbox 20. These guys topped the charts with almost every song they recorded. How many of those Boy Bands can you say that for? Enough of those one hit wonders-here's the real music. This group of excellency is composed of Rob Thomas(lead vocals), Adam Gaynor(guitar, vocals), Kyle Cook(guitar, vocals), Paul Doucette(drums), and Brian Yale(bass). I love these guys!

Rob Thomas

Adam GaynorKyle CookPaul DoucetteBrian Yale

Of all my glorious band members, of course Rob Thomas is my favorite. This an inspiration...and that sings like an angel! I love Rob!!! Here is yet another picture of the king...

Well, that's all I've got for now but if you love these guys as much as I do, you will appreciate this...

Matchbox 20 Official Website

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