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That 60's Page

Dude...back in the day it was cool to be a hippy. Smoke a little pot, have a lot of sex...who wouldn't have been happy? This page is dedicated to the hippies around the world because we know what you went through...peace out!!!

The 60's were not only a time of love and let's be frank smoke, they were a time when it was hard to find freedom and American's were fighting for a cause they believed in. Most people didn't just go out and get high for no reason...they were looking for an escape from the harsh reality of the world. Even teenagers had to do their part to protect their freedom. Meaning if their was something to believe in or stand up for teenagers did the believing and the standing up. I was not around in the 60's and I am glad, I would not have strong enought to survive...I would not have been heard. So many stood up for what they believed and were knocked down agian. They had what it took to time and again be told you are wrong and you are young so back off. But did they back off? No. They fought for everything so that one day their children and grandchildren would have an equal opportunity world like they did not have. So yes, they were a little crazy and they might have been always in trouble but they did it for us...
