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Hello and Welcome To The Third Part Of My Dragon Con 1999 Photo Gallery!
If you thought that the first two pages were kewl, then you haven't seen anything like this before now!
Danger Woman And Dyna Girl!
I was honored to have teamed up with an old schoolmate and student teacher from Superhero School. She told me that Sid And Marty Kroft are celebrating the release of Electra Woman And Dyna Girl on Home Video! It was quite an honor to have teamed up with her as we fought GlitterRock and his Punk Rock Nephew, New Vou and kept Dragon Con safe from the forces of evil!
Danger Woman And Spider-Woman
I was honored to see one of my old teachers from Superhero School here at Dragon Con 1999. In case you did not know, it will be 20 years this fall that Spider-Woman made her cartoon debut on television.
No adventure at Dragon Con 1999 WOULD NOT be complete without meeting our 1999 America's Junior Miss, Sarah Jane Everman from Marietta, Georgia USA.
After all, it is NOT every day that a singing superheroine like myself gets to be photographed with the 1999 America's Junior Miss!
Only at Dragon Con can these things can happen.
By the way, support America's Junior Miss By Clicking on the Link below.
After all that has been said and done, Dragon Con 1999 came to an end. At least I got to dine at a very grownupy place called Max Lagers, where they served some very interesting foods.
At least Ed Kramer said it was OK to remove my mask for this picture, being that the con was offically over and it was time for people to see the girl behind the mask.
At least I got to give Pikachu From Pokemon a cuddle and some calming love. I hope you check out his website and
tell Ash and the gang at Pokemon that Danger Woman sent you!
Well, I guess it is time to say good-bye. But, don't be sad, dear loyal fans.
At least, there is always next year and Dragon Con 2000!
Thank you for visiting my Dragon Con Photo Album and until we meet on the net......
Heroically Kewl Links To Visit!