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My Dragon Con 2001 Photo Album, Part Three

Welcome To Part Three Of My Dragon Con Gallery! Let me say that I was very honored to be photographed with the Mystery Men. They were sent by Bob Burden to make sure that I have a great birthday here at Dragon Con!

Meeting Mega Man

I had the esteemed honor of meeting Mega Man and some of his honored friends. They were very nice to take the time out of their busy schedule to let me be photographed with them.

Danger Woman Gets Honored By Iron Sheik And Riptide

The karaoke songbird of justice gets a very special honorary wrestling championship belt as a birthday present and thank you gift for avenging the death of the superhero wrestler, The Blue Blazer. She also got lauded by a dealer who allowed to let her have the Blue Blazer WWF Action Figure as a reward for getting justice for Blue Blazer. And Freddie Valentine even thanked Danger Woman for getting justice for Blue Blazer and gave her a BIG hug!

I also got to see my pals, The Wacky Waples From Wapleworld and they were the best birthday surprise of them all! I was so glad that Larz has invited me to see them perform for a BIG contest at the end of this year (2001).

Danger Woman And Nightwing

I was very honored to have met Nightwing. He is a handsome hero who came all the way from Bludhaven to see me perform and sing my heart out. I hope that this photo is worthy of being shown, being that it was taken under low light conditions with my digicam. Click Here For Part Four Of This Exciting Photo Album, featuring Photos from my big birthday party concert and some of my Danger Force Allies!