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Danger Music Update

Welcome to the Danger Music Update, where we answer the questions that you have been asking.

What ever happened to Mr. Glitz, Johnny Bolt, Bassmaster and Keys?!?

Well, Mr. Glitz has gotten married and settled down and has moved on to bigger and better things.
Johnny Bolt has been protecting the girls in his band, The Vendettas, Bassmaster had to return to Nashville to look out for Johnny Cash, his foster father, who is suffering from Parkenson's Disease. And Keys is busy with a new job venture.

Who are in the NEW Danger Force?!?

Well, we have VidCam, MathManic, SurfKeys, Saxabee, The Sassy Saxaphone Player, Lady Santo, The Amazing Andre, Sitx Stax, The Drummer, Captain Ferret, Greased Lightning and Driveon, The Limo Driver.

Whatever happened to Stixx And Staxx?!?

Stixx was killed by an icky-livered drunk driver in 1997.
His twin brother, Staxx, had to move on to bigger and better things.

What is The Danger Woman Movie? Why is it THE talk of the Internet?

Well, The Danger Woman movie is a great action/adventure movie with excitement, music and of course some interesting characters.
It will be shown at the major film festivals in the coming year, so check back here often!

I heard that you got a new chat server.
What is all the fuss about?

Check out this NEW link below to our chat area!

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