The Top Ten Social Flaws People Make

What is a "social flaw"? Webster's Dictionary defines, "social" as: "having to do with people living in groups; enjoying the company of others." It defines "flaw" as: "a defect or blemish that is often hidden and that may cause failure under stress; a weakness in character." Put these two dictionary entries together and we come up with the term, "social flaw," thus the basis of this top ten list.

1. When you are checking out a guy/girl and you make eye contact, then make a stupid face and turn away really fast.

2. When you say something that is really stupid, and immediately look at everyone to see who is laughing.

3. When you try to fit too many people on a couch and things get out of hand, and you knock the table, and spill some coffee, then say, "dang it!"

4. Getting uplifting life quotes from beer bottle caps.

5. When you go to close your pen and you miss the top completely and mark all over yourself.

6. When you go into a certain "party discount superstore" and pick up numerous shopping baskets, place random articles (i.e.: glitter bracelets, hats, etc.) in them, strategically place them in "hiding places" and laugh as you watch the employees recover the above mentioned merchandise, (and then watch them put all of it back.)

7. When you and a friend go into a costume section of a store, put on hats, lais, glasses, hula skirts, etc, then walk around and watch the reactions of the people passing by you, eventually asking a stranger to take your picture.

8. Signing, "have a great summer!" in someone's yearbook.

9. When the man/lady behind the check-out counter of a gas station can't give you directions because he/she "forgot" how to get back to the interstate.

10. While sitting in Human Anatomy class, you coin the phrase, "cool science" and think it's funny.

**Artwork by Debbie Drechsler**