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[O.O.C. Hey, it's me! I finished a roleplay yesterday, but was'nt able to post it due to the fact that moranic brother, accidentally deleted over my stuff. And what a massive and sweet rp it was! I believev that was my first 4,500 worder! Never the less I am using my reinforcement. And the setting may be similar to a old rp but it truly isn't.]

{The interview begins in beautiful Miami, Florida. Camera men notice the private resort, and there restricted area sign. Kris Gordon pokes his head out of the van and presses down on the button once again. He is shocked because this is basically deja vu to him, because he did a previous interview withhim, never the less the intercom comes on with a voice of a disgruntle man. Kris boldly asks to see Greg Gonzales. The man asks Kris does he have reservations? Kris shakes his head, but then says that Greg told me to come immediately. With out a second instance, we hear a small siren go off, as the private gates whip open. Kris drives through the gate, and has do go through the parking lot. Finally he finds a good place for his car, and parks it. Kris and the camera man exit the authorized van, and get their equipment from the back. Suddenly the pole where you put coins in sirens off. Kris's neck whips in suprise. He digs into his pocket and looks for a three quarters, finally he is through with fideling in his pocket and he grabs the quarters, he inserts the coins into the machine's coin slot. He pulls the lever down, and then once again the pole has 3 hours on it. Kris says to the camera man, "I think that will be enough, do you agree?" "Indeed I do" says the camera man. With that Kris and the camera man leave the parking lot. They walk about a 100 feet, until they arrive at the front doors of the resort entitled, X-Rated. Indeed Kris will find out why it is called X-Rated as soon as he arrives inside of the hotel. Kris sees two hot women, with no tops on. Kris's direction almost changes, but he snaps back into reality, and continues his walk. Finally he meets the front desk. He speaks with the secretary, who indeed looks good herself. Finally she tells Kris where to find Greg. Kris thanks the woman and is on his way. He sees a local elevator, and takes it to the third floor. When he is there, he steps off the elevator along with the camera man, they go across the floor looking for a door entitled Swimming Pool, finally Kris meets a door with that name and walks inside. To his suprise there are more girls with their tops off and even more than that, most of them surrounded by a man, who is so smuthered that you can't see his face. Suddenly Kris looks at the top of the diving board. Kris notices Larry Ellis, wearing a pair of Nike Swimming Trunks. Kris defintely believes this is deja vu, because last time he saw Larry on the board, he was thrown off by a massive man. Never tthe less Greg handled the big bully and put him in his place! The only thing different about this interview is the fact that Larry isn't trying to impress some women folk he has already done so. A hot tamele' is behind Greg, they both have their eyes on one another, as if they could rip off the clothes and get freaky at the moment. None the less they wait patiently on the board. Greg tells Larry to jump. Larry says, "I am not ready to................" All of a sudden the tamale Larry had his eye on pushes him to the water! THis time Larry is prepared and manages to grab her hand, allowing them both to plunge into the rapidly moving water! The two don't make the best splash due to the fact that Larry does a pencil drop to the bottom of the pool, while the woman free falls to the water. After a moment or two the couple begins to laugh, as if they have hit it off. Larry swims over to the bar, and exits he extends his hand, and the woman embraces it as he helps her exit the pool. Greg just laughs while Larry grabs a towel from the twoel boy and hands it to the woman. The lady says, "Let's go to my room, and get to know one another." In a less than a second, Larry agrees and follows the lady into the main hallway. Before Larry enters the building, he manages to wink to his comrad. Once again Greg laughs, Kris grabs Greg's attention, and Greg excuses the woman. Greg tells one of the guys to toss him his shirt, it is a black nexX level shirt, he puts it over him self and on. He motions to Kris to follow him. They go into a more peaceful game room, where two chairs are layed out. Greg directs to Kris to sit down. With that Kris sits down in the chair, Kris shuffles through his questions cards, as Greg shuffles through a deck of Bicycle cards. Kris begins to ask his first question. In the game room there are a variety of arcade games such as Mortal Kombat 4, Blitz 2000, WWF Attitude, and many others. Kris begins to ask his first question.]

KRIS GORDON - Well thank you for allowing us to do this interview you with us. Again we meet in this beautil Miami hotel, and indeed this is a splended place to be, I always enjoy coming to the place, and oh these women are so damn hot! But, let's get down to buisness, like they see buisness before play! But the first question I want to ask you this 91o degree Miami late summer day, and that is now I know you have heard all about the commotion about this ignorant guy named Cool Ass Catdaddy, he lacks respect for all the authority figures in the DWF, but yet he stays here, what do you have to say about this mythotical wrestler?

'The Goodness' Greg Gonzales - Mythotical? There is nothing mythotical abouut this supposed wrestler, he is a talentless wrestler, who pratically amounts to nothing! The only way he can at least be notice in the fed is by disrespecting everyone in the DWF, and writing negative things about them! I would also like to refresh his memory, he says that the DWF is full of jobbers and he is the only good wrestler in this fed? Well cardinal rule number 1 is never to refer to a fellow wrestler as a jobber, read the regulations! And learn how to use a gimmick, because you truly need a better one!! The reason that you aren't able to make a name in the DWF is because you lack a big requirement, and I can't think of the word. Hmm, let me see, perhaps talent? Yeah that's it! I can understand that you don't like us, and that you might despise us, because hey the feeling is basically mutual! You prefer to your self, as being at a higher level than the rest of the DWF? But that is where you are wrong! I personally don't think that any one is at a higher level than anyone, although I say I am superior over Phantom Dragon, I am truly not, we are all set on a equal playing field, and the only one basically encharge is the man up stairs, and I doubt that you could take him out! Now my next statement on you consist on something you said the other day that was just out of line, and I think they should suspend you or better yet fire you. You said that these imitating wrestlers who consisted of Enigma, Rocky, Descent, and some one else, but any how you said something that was truly out of hand, I've seen each and everyone of these guys firsthand, and I bet they get more girls than you can count basically! You say you are cool, but you are just a fool! Foolish like many others who step in the fed! But you will be set aside from the others, I will decree punishment on your worthless body like you have never felt! I personally think that you can hit the road jack, because you don't amount to anything wrestling wise, but hey I am not encharge, that's up to Prez Howard!

Now my next statement involves a certain newcomer to the DWF! Enygma! Now I am not like Cool Ass Catdaddy, I really don't give a rat's ass about your gimmick or personna! because I am not the one forfilling the role, but there is something that I don't understand about you! Umm why don't you just team up with Enigma, and Rocky? Like all the rest of them! I personally don't appreciate your kind, you too, think you are above everyone else, just like Enigma and Rocky! You see nexX level is a stable united, we are not at a higher ranking than anyone else, we believe that we are all on a equal scale. We respect one another, there is no leader. You see when I look at you, you seem like just one another who believes that they are above the law, but when you look at me I seem like your average day Hispanic citizen right? Wrong! I am the mutha f'n law! Respek' my authoritah' beeatch! If the law doesn't set him self beyond everyone else why should you? You believe that you are elite compared to the rest of the DWF, but the real reason I think that Rocky asked you to join, because he is a coward!! He has to believe that there is strength in numbers, but that is not the truth, there is strength in talent and I believe that the level has it! Now, basically I have said my peace on you, because I do not know enough to figure you out now, but I will eventually!

Now, Robert Storm, you make me sick! You think that you can take over the DWF, but yet you don't have the physical ability to be Juvenile, I've seen Juvi in action, and boy is he a bad mamma jamma! He would take you to the road and throw you out to the garbage where you belong! It is virtually impossible for you to beat Juvenile, and even more impossible for you to defeat me! Onto Descent! You call yourself the best cruiserweight wrestler in the fed? Boy are you sadly mistaken! If you haven't notice I have been raising havoc in not only the division, not even the DWF, but the wrestling world today! I am a determined warrior who plans on gaining the title that rightfully belongs to me, and hey Enigma, I might even take the Universal too! And you know what? You will have not other option but to take the pain that I will inflict upon you! Now back to Descent, indeed you are a great wrestler, but I am elite! Now I am not saying I am at a higher level, but I am better than you, and if that means the same thing, oh well I guess I am better than all of you. hehe! No other way to put it. But like I said you are a great wrestler, but great isn't the best. I have taken the wrestlers that called themselves the best, so that means that they are truly not the best, so that leaves me at a level they is truly unmatched! What am I? Am I indeed the best, or do I surpass that? It is sort of like that show Dragon Ball Z! And what a show indeed! I guess you all are little Goku's, Piccolo's, Vegeta's, Yamcha's, Yajirobe's and I guess every other Z-fighter, but I would say I am higher than all! I am the most poweful Frieza! Everyone knows that he is untested, and when I look at myself I decide that - that reaches my identity! Umm now that is all I have to say, sorry but I too have some buisness to attend too, like my buddy Larry. Hehe, well I will see you guys later, seeya Kris!

KRIS GORDON - Ok Greg, and thanks for doing this interview with us.

[With that, the cameras stop rolling. Kris packs up and heads to the van, Greg grabs a few quarters out of his pocket, he begins to play Blitz 2000, it malfunctions, in the bottom of the fourth quarter as Greg was about to score the game winning touch down! The outraged Gonzales, shakes the arcade game with ease, nothing happens, Greg pushes the machine down which starts a chain reaction, as the Arcade console falls, it crushes into an Addams Family pin ball game, crushing that and toppling over to yet another pin ball machine crashes into the wall. Greg notices the Carnage he has just created! Over 4,000 dollars of merchandise are gone for good, in less than 4 seconds! Greg can hear security coming down the stairs, Greg dashes to the door a pushes it open, and runs for the hills. The interview finally fades to nothing.]