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Hi. This is my webpage. Obviously

Ok, if you are looking at this page you probably already know me and, therefore, all this stuff, but I am going to say it anyway, so bear with me. My name is Tanya; I'm 20 years old. I am from Atlanta, GA, but now I attend Kenyon College. It's a beautiful place; unfortunately, it is chock-full of drunks and airheads (I appologize, but I tend to judge people by first impressions, and passing out on Middle Path to me indicates at least some degree of intoxication). I like to keep busy by doing various artsy stuff (dreamcatchers are a favorite), reading nearly anything, hanging out, and running (every once in a while). My absolute favorite thing is music, though, and I like to pretend that I can sing and play guitar. I also like to pretend I am a poet and scribble completely mindless junk.

My feeble attempt at entertaining the people who visit my page

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Photograph Gallery
Literary Shtuff
Art Gallery
Beadwork Gallery
Some Neato Links

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