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!¡!Baby Pictures!¡!

WELCOME EVERYBODY!!! So you came to see pictures of the finest guys when they were little right?!? Well ive got some good ones for ya! Lets start with NSync k?
How about we start off with......


He was even cute when he was little!

At christmas! Hes got the most beautiful eyes!

Awwww what a cutie!

Next up is......


awwww hes been a looker ever since he was a wee little boy!

He's got a smile to win anybodys heart!

Aww tell Santa whatcha want for Christmas!

Uh oh he gets cuter and cuter in each picture!! I love his eyes!!!

Aww here he is ALMOST all grown up...

And now onto....


Aww look at his wittle chubby face :)

He looks so happy here!



Hes up the slide....

And hes down the slide

Why is his hair so poofy?!?

Ok this is better... he looks hot here :)

hmm i wonder who this could be .....


Even when he was a little baby he was the same happy-go-lucky guy :)!!

aww I love the pics of the guys with santa, their so adoreable!!

Oh he was so adoreable!!! What happened to him?!?! JUST KIDDING!!!

Oh hes cute!


Now on to the British lads of 5ive!!


Hes such a cutie and he still looks the same!


He had a really big head! but hes still adoreable. he has the same eyes!


OMG hes actually.. happy and smiling!!! Yea Sean!!!


HAHA Im VERY thankful he doesnt look like this anymore! He REALLY grew up thank Bob!


Awww this is the sweetest pic!!!


Now onto 98°!!


Hes Decent here:)

Hes turning into the ugly Duckling! *

My goodness this is scary and im glad he changed!


This has to be the SWEETEST picture!!! I love it sooo much. and if you cant tell. Drew is on the right and Nick on the left!


Im guessing hes about 9 or 10 here! *

Here he is at 14

Here he is at im guessing 18 *

Here he is in a striped shirt. wow huh?!?

As you can see i dont have any of Nick and Jeff so if you have any PLEASE send them in! Also if oyu have any of No Authority, BSB, LFO or more Nsync 5ive and 98° send them to me and ill give ya credit!! Dot forget to sign my guestbook on your way out!!!
