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About Me

The first pic is of me and my mom and the second pic is of me (on the left) and my friend Susan. It's from the No Strings Attached concert May 18.

Name: Lauren

D.O.B: June 19, 1983

Birthplace: Birmingham, AL (I now live in GA)

Astrological sign: Gemini

Hobbies: PARTYING, volleyball, horseback riding, riding sea-doos, kneeboarding, wakeboarding, etc...blah blah blah.

Fave Song right now: Toby Keith's "You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like That"

Fave movies: The Game, Under Seige, U.S. Marshals, Double Jeopardy, Ever After, Gone in 60 Seconds

Fave Cartoon Characters: Pink Panther and Scooby Doo

Fave color: Purple

Fave 'N Sync song: It's Gonna Be Me

Fave food: Anything foreign

Pets: 3 cats: Oliver, Chloe, Duchess 1 dog: Genie (chihuahua)

Siblings: 1 bro, Byron (28)

Lives with: Mom and Dad

Fave Music: *N Sync (Duhh), Linkin Park, Lenny Kravitz, Black Crows, Kenny Wayne Shepard, Disturbed, Nickleback

Fave Actor/Actress: Tommy Lee Jones/Cameron Diaz

Fave Soap Opera: General Hospital

Something cool that's happened to me: I met Jesse Camp of MTV's "Who Wants to be a VJ?" at an 'N Sync concert and he signed my stomach :o)