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*Nside the Guys

***Okay, for those of you who are Astrology freaks, I've done some MAJOR research on the guys!!! This info will tell you how they really are (or how they are supposed to be, according to the stars). The information on this page may not describe the boys right down to the core because their times and places of birth play a big role in their traits. Depending on the time or day of the month, some of them could possibly be on the cusp of the next astrological sign. But, hey, I tried! Read on and enjoy!

Justin (Aquarius) is: Aquarius has a tendency to be independent, assertive, original, and has strong dislikes and firm opinions. Aquarians are unorthodox people who refuse to follow the crowd, they are determined to do things their own way. Intellectual independence is their most marked characteristic and friendliness is their most likeable trait. They are liberal, progressive, yet fixed in opinion. Aquarians take every opportunity to avoid boredom for they think it is a communicable disease. Aquarians are very people-oriented, yet they want space from others quite often. They relate well to diverse personalities, yet never lose their own strong individuality. There is always a certain distant quality to them, a detachment or aloofness of spirit; independence is the way of life for the Aquarius. The bad side of Aquarius: they are innovative, unconventional, and sometimes eccentric; therefore, they are often targets for attack by narrow-minded people. The greatest weakness of an Aquarius is a tendency to inflate his own importance, to pose as an expert on any subject. They are so determined not to be like anyone else that they sometimes are contrary just to be different. Just as they are broad-minded to the faults of others, they tend to forget that their not-so-great qualities are often overlooked. Aquarians also have a tendency to get into unusual situations and take up with oddball individuals. Nevertheless, Aquarians are among the kindest people in the world. Easygoing, reasonable, slow to take offense, and best of all, never boring, they can change anyone's life for the better just by becoming part of it.

Joey (Aquarius) is: The same as Justin! :o)

JC (Leo) is: A Leo's loyalty is beyond question. No matter what, he will stand by his friends and his opinion will not be influenced. Witty, vivacious, and a fluent talker, Leo is a born entertainer who can lend spice to any occasion. (ain't it the truth!) Leo's nature is flamboyant and expansive, therefore they despise the ordinary and the dull. When real life does not supply the excitement they need, they try to create their own. Leo is said to be a grand entertainer. This characteristic causes people to gravitate towards him. A Leo's public image is very important to him, he watches his moves carefully trying to be sure he makes no mistakes. If hurt, Leos will strike back quickly, but also forgive easily and never hold a grudge. Leos love flattery and are very affectionate and cheerful. Leos love to act as father figures and give advice to others, however, they do not accept advice easily for they believe they can handle the situation on their own. Like the Leo's symbol, the lion, they can be quite indolent and lazy, tending to sit back and bask in their own glory. But when you think about it, the world would be a mighty boring place without Leos seeing as they are such great entertainers.

Chris (Libra) is: Librans are easy to like, for they have a captivating charm, possess elegant taste, and have a gift for making others feel important. They strive for balance and harmony and are happiest when their environment is ordered and serene. Because Librans see clearly every side of an argument, they have the ability to smooth over disputes; this proves that they are born diplomats. In order to avoid an unpleasant scene, they have a tendency to stifle their own true feelings. In fact, Librans are far too often unsure of what their true feelings are. Because they try to be all things to all people, there is a general impression that they are indecisive. Librans get along harmoniously with people who are even-tempered, particularly those who can laugh in the face of difficulties. They are appreciative of talent in any field, whether it be art, literature, or music, and if they lack talent in themselves, they often seek and indulge in artistic hobbies. Naturally optimistic, the Libra does everything in his own power to please. This allows the Libran to show off his best quality-- charm.

Lance (Taurus) is: Taurus is quiet, affectionate, patient, stable, and practical. Taurians put a high regard on collecting possessions and are known to cling to what is their's. The Taurus is the type of person that everybody else will count on, the one who perseveres when less determined spirits fall by the wayside. Dependability is the Taurus's most likeable trait, and because perseverance is the quality most needed for success, they tend to be successful. Taurians are not fond of change. They simply cannot be rushed into anything new. Taurians rarely show their temper. Generally, they are as patient as time itself, and it is only when opposed with a great force, that they become angry. Like their sign, the bull, Taurians are not looking to challenge anyone, but it is not a good idea to attempt to challenge him. This is highly unlikely to happen though because Lance is such a cute sweetie! Who would want to go against him?

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