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Nothing. What is nothing. Nothing must be something or else this wouldn't be a paragraph so it's not nothing. Nothing is something but something cannot be nothing because nothing is nothing. But then if you really think about it Nothing cannot be nothing because it's something because if it was truly nothing it wouldn't be something it would be nothing. Therefore nothing is something yet nothing is nothing but not nothing because it's something. Something can be anything but not nothing because anything is something not nothing which is something even though it's not anything. If anything was nothing there would be no life, and nothing would matter because something and anything would be nothing. Luckily something is not nothing and nothing is something but not anything because it's not anything it's nothing which is something. But everything is something that can be anything but nothing is nothing which is something but not everything even though everything is something. So all in all nothing is something but not anything nor everything but it's not something it's nothing. Get the picture???

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