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A Dar Page

Ok. I really don't know much about Dar Williams, except that she's great. Her music and lyrics are very to the point and may seem simplistic, yet reach people like few things can. It's like she knows exactly what to say about anything, and goes out and says it. So go out and listen to her, if you aren't already!

The main reason I created this page is because many people don't know about Dar, and I think they should. Ok, so I can't boast a whole lot of stuff on my page. I looked around at other Dar pages, and they were all good, and had pictures and stuff, but none of them had lyrics. So I decided that that would be my main goal in making this page. I also have some links to the other pages, so enjoy!

Dar has four full-length studio CD albums out, along with her newest, a live album. There are also several tape albums which are, alas, no longer released.

The Honesty Room
Mortal City
End of the Summer
The Green World
Out There Live
The Beauty of the Rain

Click here for links to other Dar pages.

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