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James Boyt's Will/Arthur Boyt's Vouchers/Elizabeth Martin Boyt's Guardianship

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State of Georgia
Emanuel County

In the name of God Amen, I James Boyt of Said State and county being of advanced age and Knowing that I must shortly part this life deem it right and proper both as respects my Family and my Self that I Should make a disposition of the property with which a Kind providence has blessed me, do therefore make this my last will and Testament hereby revoking all others heretofore made by me.

1st Item I desire and direct that my body be buried in a decent christian like manner suitable to my circumstances and conditions in life, my Sole I trust Shall return to rest with God who give it as I hope for Eternal Salvation through the merits and atonement of the blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ whose religion I have profesed and as I humbly trust enjoyed for six (?) years,

2nd Item I desire and direct that all my Just debts be paid by my executors herein after appointed

3rd Item, I give and bequeath and devise to my beloved wife Rebecca Boyt all my Land lying in Emanuel County Containing Seven hundred and Two acres with all the Rights members and appertenances to Said Land in any wise belonging free from all Charge or Limitations what ever for and during her life time as Widowhood I also give and bequeath to my beloved wife in the Same like manner my negro Woman Lavinia and her child Hannah and her increase here after,

4th, Item I give and bequeath to my beloved wife in the Same like manner my Sorrel Mare and my Bay Horse Mule all my sttack of Cattle Hogs House hold and Kitchen furniture. My Farming untencils of Every description including my reddy money and notes,

5th Item I hereby constitute and appoint my beloved wife Rebecca Boyt Executrix and my Son Arthur Boyt Executor of my last Will and testament, I also desire and request my Executors to Buy my son Stephen Boyt a Horse worth Seventy five dollars when ever he Should marry or require them to do so, October the 29th 1857

James Boyt (LS)

Signed Sealed delivered and published by James Boyt as his last will and Testament in the presents of us the Subscribers who Subscribed our names hereto in the presents of Said Testator at his Special instance and request, and of each other Octr 1857,
Admited to Record this the 8th day of December 1857
John L. Turner
William Oliver
William Phillips
Gideon H. Kennedy Ordinary

Vauchers of Arthur Boyt Executor of the Estate of James Boyd deceased for the year 1859,

No. 1,
Received of Arthur Boyt Executor on Estate of James Boyt Three 80 Dallors for Lumber January the 1st 1859,
Richard Edinfield

No 2,
Estate of James Boyd (Note the Boyd instead of Boyt)
Bot (bought?) of W & R McIntire
85 lbs of Coffee " " $10.00
1 Bolt Hamspun "........$ 3.00
2 Bunches Yarn "........$ 2.00
1 Bottle Caster oil.............25
1 Coffee Pot.....................50
1 oz of Camphur...............12
1 Sack Salt.......................75
2 pr Cotton Cards..........1.00
Received payment
January 26th W & R McIntire

(No matter how I try I can't organize the above list the way it is on the original will. CHGB)

No 3 Savannah Ga Jan 27' 1859,
Estate James Boyt
Bought of S H Fisk
Dealer in
Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Leather
Where may be found a large
Selected expresly for Country trade,
6 pr of Ladies Boots..........$6.00
Recd Payment
Arthur Boyt Executor
S. H Fisk

No 4 received of Arthur Boyt
Executor on Estate of James Boyt one hundred dollars for Black Smiths work for the year 1858 this Febry 1st 1859
John (X his mark) Yeomans

No 5 Estate of James Boyt
To L. F. Norrill Dr
To 1 Allen Plow.....$3.25
...2 Hoes 2,75.......5.50
Received payment in full of
Arthur Boyt Executor
Febry 28th 1859,

No. 6. Savannah Oct 26 1859.
Estate of James Boyt
B o t (bought?) of W Aldrich adgt
5 pr Womens Boots 1 00 $5.00
Received Payment
from Arthur Boyt Exect
H. N. Aldrich agt
per 8. R. Babe "

Elizabeth Boyt and James H J Martin Document

We Elizabeth boyt as principal & James H J Martin securety acknowledg ourselves held and firmly bound to Jams B Kenedy order for said county and his sucesors in office in the sum of five hundred dollars subject to the following conditions the conditions of the above obligations are these that whereas James J V Thomas L & Hariett R Boyt Minor Children of Elijah Boyt are intitled to conciderable property of the deceased Fathers estate now should the said Elis boyt natural Guardian of said Minor children well and truly ------ (can't decipher this word) herself as Guardian a foresaid agreeable In law & in all things be faithful In the performance of said trust Her the above obligations with void otheru (word cut off) of force signed sealed and acknowledged in a free court Jan 7th 1867
Elizabeth (X her mark) Boyd (LS) (Note Boyd not Boyt)
J, H, J, Martin

My very special thanks to Emma Lloyd Strickland for xeroxing the above materials and sending them to me. It was a challenge to transcribe the materials due to the penmanship, but after 28 years of reading thousands upon thousands of my high school English students' interesting penmanship, it made this labor of love easier.

Christopher Henderson Griffin Boyd/Boyt
Mother's Day...May 1999

Emanuel Co. Book A Census

Page 113. Bond guardianship - Emanuel Co - Elizabeth Boyt - James H. Martin - for guardianship of children of Elijah Boyt - For Anthony Boyt - Schley Williamson (LS) .. Solomon Williamson (LS). December 10, 1866. Source: James E. Dorsey (1898), Footprints Along the Hoopee-A History of Emanuel County 1812-1900, (Magnolia Press, Gainesville, GA) P. 263.

In the 1870 Ware County Census the child, Anthony Boyt, is not listed. Did he die or was he living in another relative's home? I also cannot find when he was born to Elizabeth and to Elijah. Since he was not listed on the Emanuel County Census for 1860 he had to have been born sometime after this census. His sister Harriet Rebecca was born in 1862 for she is listed as 8 on the 1870 Ware County Census with her mother and two brothers, James J. (John?) V. and Thomas Latimer. (15 May 1999)

Something to Think About

Emanuel County Census 1860
Visit 356/362, Patience BOYT 49 (w/o Elijah Boyd), James 34, Benjamin 29, Abram 25, John 22, William 19, Sarah 17, Henry 15, Hamilton (?) 15 m (I discovered Henry and Hamilton were twins.) (Elijah Boyd's will was dated 25 March 1856 and witnessed by George Whitfield, Elizabeth (her mark) Phillips, and William Phillips, L S. It was signed by Elijah (his mark) Boyd, and it was admitted to Record 7 April 1856.)

Visit 360/366, Rebeckah BOYT 50, Arsthum (?) (Probably Arthur) 33, Stephen 28, Elizabeth 26, Ally (Alice according to the Burke County 1850 Census.) 19 f, Jane R. (Rebecca according to the same census.) 16, Martha A. M. 13

Visit 361/367, Benjamin BOYT 29, Mary 25, Margaret 6, James 2

Visit 401/407, Elijah BOYT 32, Elizabeth (Martin) 28, James J.V. 2, Thomas L. 7/12 (He is actually 6 months old here.)

Visit 147/148, Arabzamen HULL (Shown as HILL elsewhere.) 47, Sarahann Boyt 46, Ugeine 18 f, Mary 15, Elijair 13 f, Vandilia 12 f, James 8, Herschal 4 (In the Burke 1850 Census Sarah A. Boyd, 33, was living in this household along with Virlinda, wife of Aralzaman M. Hill.)

Visit 339/346, Sleigh WILLIAMSON 24, Milley (Boyt) 24 (I feel this Milley is Amelia Boyt listed as 14 on the Burke 1850 Census. Also note that Sleigh Williamson's names appears as Schley Williamson (LS) on the Bond Guardianship request above by Elizabeth Martin BOYT and her father, James H. Martin.)

I believe that the deceased Elijah Boyt, husband of Patience and the deceased James Boyt, husband of Rebecca were brothers. (We know that Elijah Boyt, husband of Elizabeth Martin was a son of Rebbecca Unk. and James Boyt.) I think the Benjamin Boyt listed is the son of Rebecca and James Boyt. I feel that Sarahann Boyt is probably a sister or sister-in-law to the James and Elijah/Patience Boyts. According to the way children were named, I also believe that the father of the James and Elijah/Patience Boyts was probably named Elijah or James. I cannot prove this at this time.

Please note that I use Elijah/Patience to distinguish him from Elijah who married Elizabeth. (16 May 1999)

Below is the Last Will and Testament of Elijah Boyd, husband of Patience

The Record of the Will of Elija Boyd State of Georgia Emanuel County

Know all men by these presents That I Elija Boyd In the name of God Amen, Knowing that I must Shortly die and being of Sound mind and Memory do make and ordain this my last will and Testament in maner and form following Viz my will and desire is that all my property both real and personal of Every Description Shall be Kept together untill my youngest child Comes of age for the purpose of raising my children I also wish my Executors whom I appoint to pay all my just debts and after all my Just debts being paid and my Youngest child comes of age my wish and desire is that all my property both real and personal be Equally divided amaung my heirs Including James E. Thompson Equal with the rest of my heirs and I do hereby nominate Constitute and appoint John H. Edinfield James E. Thompson & Patience Boyd my Sole Executors of this my last will and Testament hereby revoking all others and former wills By me at any time heretofore made, In witness whereof I have here unto Set my hand Seal this March 25th 1856

Signed Sealed published and delivered by the Said Testator Elijah Boyd as and for his last will and testament in the presents of us who have Subscribed our names as witnesses in the Presents of the Said testator.

Elijah (his mark) Boyd (LS)
George Whitfield
Elizabeth (her mark) Phillips
William Phillips I T

16 May 1999
