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Stephen Willett
Personal Pages

Heaven On Earth
It's Important To Have Goals...

Work in Progress

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All the credit goes to Christ.

Hello. You have stumbled onto the personal information page of Stephen M. Willett. Please note that this is part of a site which is under construction, and as such is subject to change frequently. In an attempt to allow maximum self-determination of your boredom level, I have broken this stuff up into the following categories:


Family Matters



Rants & Raves



No, no, no...I'm PREMATURELY grey. Yeah...that's it...I'm really a very young man.

I am by profession an information technology consultant, by advocation a fastpitch softball fan, by nature a devout beach bum, and by confession a Christian.

The nature of my work makes me, of necessity, the consumate road warrior. Living much of the time out of a 17" X 12" X 7" bag, can give one a somewhat twisted view of reality. I have assembled some Resources and Anecdotes which other road warriors may appreciate. Of course, the truly sick among you should feel free to skip all this and go straight to my know...the really interesting stuff.

Born and raised on the beaches of Cape Cod (albeit very COLD beaches), I am ever and always a beach bum at heart. Sun, sand, surf, and sea breeze are the fundamental elements in my reality. South Florida is where I call home, having lived there a dozen years and spawned in those waters a couple of times. My long term goals include a tahitian homestead, but then that's a long story. In any case, those of you who share my passion may enjoy this way cool travel site.

Of course, being as devout a beach bum as I am, it makes absoulte sense that I'm about as landlocked as I can take these days (murphy's law or something). As far as home and family in the burbs of Atlanta go, visit the Willett Family Home Page coming soon to a browser near you.

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Recreation (a.k.a. stuff I like to do)

My Miata

When not chained to a computer or telephone somewhere, I tend to find myself running multiple errands of dubious necessity, via the longest route feasible (unless the weather is poor, in which case I send the wife). If you share my love of the roadster experience, check outMiataville!?

While you're at it, please visit my Fastpitch Softball Site


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Rants and Raves

Warning! - I reserve the right to spout off about any old thing I like in this space. All opinions expressed may, or may not, have any redeeming value...but for some strange reason I felt like spewing them here. Enter at your own risk. If you find anything here offensive, please keep it to yourself.

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