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Rick's TI-86 Page

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8-14-00 As you can see, it's been a LONG time since I've updated. However, I'm going to try to get this site up and running again. Unfortunately, the archives have become too big and too difficult to handle, so I'm going to drop them. If you're looking for other good game archives, with great reviews, try or, my personal favorite, Elcobbola's TI-86 Page (he has a screen shot, a review, and a rating for every game). Rick's TI-86 Page will be devoted to my personal projects, and any news I see fit to share. I would like to add a few more Game Genies, so e-mail me suggestions that you'd like to see. Also, I'm taking suggestions for new games, if anyone is dying to see a certain game. OK, I'll update when I can. I'll probably delete the archives soon and redo the web page a bit, so keep your eyes peeled for updates.
11-27-99 I've just released Game Genie v1.1.07. The new version has a few changes PLUS five new Game Genies. Graphlink users should no longer get a "bad filename" error. Check out the Projects page for more information.
10-30-99 TICALC.ORG has named Game Genie a featured program! They just put the program on their site, so check it out!
10-28-99 In a twisted turn of events, I'm having my computer worked on this weekend, so I'm forced to release Game Genie v1.0 EARLY!!! CLICK HERE to download it! PLEASE send me your comments!
10-26-99 I just finished another Game Genie (the seventh so far)! This one is my personal favorite, so I decided to post the news here. In this GG, there is No time limit in Vertigo! You can roll around the level for as long as you want! Woo-hoo! Release date of Game Genie v1.0 is only 4 days away, so stay tuned!
10-24-99 I've been working on some more Game Genies, and I have a total of six, four of which will be released after the initial release of Game Genie on October 30th. Here's what I have so far:

*1. Start out with 10 lives in Super Mario 86
*2. Start out with 10 lives in SQRXZ
3. Can't drown in SQRXZ (underwater meter doesn't go down)
4. Start out with 15 lives in Vertigo
5. Much easier to hit home runs in Baseball '99
6. Vertical line goes much slower in Three Point Shootout
     * - Will be in the initial release

I'll gladly take any (realistic) suggestions for Game Genies. Just e-mail me!
10-19-99 Many of you have been asking why I haven't updated in a bit. Well, the secret answer is now revealed. I've been working on a new project - Game Genie! Game Genie is now complete and is ready for release on October 30, 1999. Current GG's are for Super Mario 86 (start with 10 lives) and for SQRXZ (start with 10 lives). Check out the Projects Page for more information.
9-20-99 HAPPY THREE YEARS TO RICK'S TI-86 PAGE!!! That's right--the page has been up for three years now. I'm going to work on some new stuff soon, so stay tuned for new aditions and improvements.

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