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The Top Ten Reasons
For Being Glad
You're Still a Kid!!

<BGSOUND SRC="images/behappy1.mid" LOOP="-1">

10. Watermelon bubble gum doesn't make you sick.

9. Grown-ups always laugh
at your knock-knock jokes.

8. The sidewalk is YOUR territory.

7. Chocolate is a way of life.

6. Saturday morning cartoon marathons.

5. Playing and having fun are still
considered worthwhile activities.

4. You get to stay up late on weekends.

3. If you don't have any money,
you can just ask Mom to stop
at that machine that always gives you some.

2. You hold a position of power at home
because you're the only one
who knows how to operate the VCR...


Enjoy being a kid as LONG as you can!

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