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Sacrament of the Last Supper,1955

Salvadore Dali

National Gallery of Art

This was Don's favorite painting by Dali,another of his favorite artists. As I have said before...on the "starry night" page...My appreciation for great art grew as I looked at it through his eyes. As I look at this particular painting...I think other thoughts as well...I remember the times I would say to him..."I love looking at the world through your eyes"...and he would say,"Don't look through MY eyes...look through YOUR eyes." I would say to him..."Thank you for all you have given me"...he would answer, "I have given you nothing...everything you have already."

Oh How Wonderful to be loved by someone who sees only the very best in us! I am so grateful to have experienced it:-)

I thank God everyday for speaking to my heart through Don...

May we all KNOW that there is a Power that is a part of us...that knows only the Best in Us...

May all who pass by here...strive to see only the Best in I am still trying to do each day.

Have a great day!! :-)




Thanks, Els,
for the perfect background:-)