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Links to the Bible and other great books
  1. Read Through The Bible In A Year (read online, or print out a schedule to follow)
  2. King James Authorized Version
  3. NIV Bible
  4. NAS Bible
  5. Bibles for the Visually Handicapped International
  6. The WWW Bible Gateway (includes RSV, KJV, NIV, NASB, Darby and Young's Translations, German, French, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog and Latin)
  7. The Blue Letter Bible (KJV will include complete Matthew Henry Commentary, Strong's, Greek & Hebrew Lexicons,files from the Online Bible, and more)
  8. ARTFL Project: Bibles (includes Louis Segund French (1910), Revidierte Elberfelder Bibel (1985), Vulgate (c.405 AD), KJV, and Luther's Die Bibel)
  9. The Linked Word Project (keyed to Strong's numbering)
  10. Ancient Greek Text
  11. Arabic Bible for Arabic Windows Software transl. Smith and Van Dyke (1865).
  12. Bibelen (1930) Norwegian/ King James Version Parallel Bible Bibelen (Den Hellig Skrift). Noisk 1930 og King James Version, søking (WAIS), Gresk og Hebraisk leksikon. Combined Norwegian/English Bible and Greek/Hebrew dictionary.
  13. Bibli Svata: Czech Bible of Kralice (trans. Unitas Fratrum, 1579-1593):
  14. The Czech Bible (with search engine)
  15. Danish Bible (1933 Ârs udgave)
  16. Alternate gopher connection for the above Bible
  17. Finnish Bible (1933,38 Raamattu trans.)
  18. Finnish Bible (1992 Raamattu trans.)
  19. French Bible (Louis Segond Trans. of 1910 w/Search)
  20. Geneva Study Bible
  21. German Bible : Die Bibel (Luther Translation)
  22. German Bible (Elberfelder Ubersetzung Bibel w/Search)
  23. The Good Way (Portions of the Bible in Arabic)
  24. The Hebrew Tanach
  25. The Holy Bible (Chinese Union Version)
  26. Indonesian Bible
  27. Italian Bible (La Bibbia)
  28. King James Bible (with "Apocrapha")
  29. King James Bible (Web version from Computers for Christ)
  30. King James Bible (Browse by Subject)
  31. Korean Bible
  32. The Korean Bible Gateway
  33. Latin Vulgate Bible of St. Jerome (405 Trans. w/Search)
  34. New Testament (Rheims:1582)
  35. Portugese: á Bíblia Sagrada
  36. Quechua Bible (Lucaspa Oeloasquan. The Gospel of Luke. (Cuzco and Ayacucho and Southern Bolivian dialects, Ecuadorian Quichua Chimborazo will be available. Includes Spanish and English parallel verses.)
  37. Russian Bible (requires KOI8 cyrillic fonts)
  38. Spanish: La Biblica RVA
  39. Spanish: La Santa Biblia Antigua Versíon de Casoidoro de Reina (1569), Revisada por cipriamo de valera (1602), Otras revisiones (1862, 1909 , 1960)
  40. Swahili (partial)
  41. Swedish Bible (1917 Bibeln eller den Helig Skrift) innehâllande. Gamla Och Nya Testamentets Kanoniska Böcker i överensstämmelse med den av Konung År 1917 gillande och stadfästa oversättning.
  42. Alternate gopher connection. for the above Bible
  43. Warlpiri Bible (Australia) in process. (Genesis, Jonah, Ruth, Luke, 1 & 2 Thess., Titus, Philemon, and 2 & 3 John.)
  1. Oswald Chambers Daily Devotional
  2. My Utmost For His Highest 
  3. Morning and Evening Daily Devotional
  1. R A Torrey  New Topical Textbook
  2. Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible
  3. The Bible Study Connector Form developed by Richard Goerwitz is a very handy on line tool that automatically adds hypertext Bible verses to verse references you find in plain text documents on line. You have to use it to believe it really works, but it does! Give it a try!
  4. World Wide Study Bible
  5. Agros Ministries' Lists of Recommended Bible Commentaries:
  6. Bibelsenteret: Disse siderene ligger nâ agsâ pâ nettvik (Norway) (includes search utility for Bibelselskapets utgave av 1930, Dansk Bibel av 1933, etc.)
  7. Bible and Scripture Information from the Internet (A Pierre Guillermin Library, Liberty University)
  8. The Bible Software FAQ, by Shawn Abigail
  9. The Bible Study FAQ, by Shawn Abigail (December 1996)
  10. CARM Theological Dictionary, by Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
  11. Chronological Study of the Life of Christ, by Dennis McCallum
  12. The Chuck Smith Archives (Calvary Chapel) (Sermons, Outlines, Books and Video)
  13. ChurchRodent: R.A. Tatum's Glossary of Church History
  14. The Concise Matthew Henry Commentary
  15. Easton's Bible Dictionary
  16. Greek / Hebrew Interlinear Bible
  17. Historic Monarchies (Calvary Chapel)
  18. King James Topics List (Computers for Christ)
  19. Naves' Topical Bible
  20. Rightly Interpreting the Bible, by Dr. Ron Rhodes
  21. The Scripture Memory Connection help files:
  22. Step by Step with the Bible
  23. Synopsis of the Bible, by J.N. Darby
  24. Torrey's New Topical Textbook
This document contains pointers to internet accessible literature related to Classical Christianity (a term coined by C.S. Lewis to describe a theology which affirms the importance of a transforming faith in Christ as God and Savior). Literature referenced is viewable online (ie. in both ascii and html format). Additional resources or corrections should be directed to the document maintainers at with LIT in the subject line. We are not currently adding many new resources to this guide, but continue to try to update incorrect links as they need correction. We are adding links to our Guide to Christian Resources on the Internet. The latest version of this document is available via web or ftp at ICLnet:

  • Christian Classics Library
  • 1. The Bible Study Connector Form developed by Richard Goerwitz is a very handy on line tool that automatically adds hypertext Bible verses to verse references you find in plain text documents on line. You have to use it to believe it really works, but it does! Give it a try!
  • 2. World Wide Study Bible
  • Agros Ministries' Lists of Recommended Bible Commentaries:
  • Bibelsenteret: Disse siderene ligger nâ agsâ pâ nettvik (Norway) (includes search utility for Bibelselskapets utgave av 1930, Dansk Bibel av 1933, etc.)
  • Bible and Scripture Information from the Internet (A Pierre Guillermin Library, Liberty University)
  • The Bible Software FAQ, by Shawn Abigail
  • The Bible Study FAQ, by Shawn Abigail (December 1996)
  • CARM Theological Dictionary, by Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
  • Chronological Study of the Life of Christ, by Dennis McCallum
  • The Chuck Smith Archives (Calvary Chapel) (Sermons, Outlines, Books and Video)
  • ChurchRodent: R.A. Tatum's Glossary of Church History
  • The Concise Matthew Henry Commentary
  • Easton's Bible Dictionary
  • Greek / Hebrew Interlinear Bible
  • Historic Monarchies (Calvary Chapel)
  • King James Topics List (Computers for Christ)
  • Naves' Topical Bible
  • Rightly Interpreting the Bible, by Dr. Ron Rhodes
  • The Scripture Memory Connection help files:
  • Step by Step with the Bible
  • Synopsis of the Bible, by J.N. Darby
  • Torrey's New Topical Textbook

    3. Books (by Title)

    4. Collections of Books

    Contents | ICLnet Home Page | Not Just Bibles | A Time to Sow

    This document Copyright (C) 1994-1998 by John Brubaker and Gary Bogart. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction and/ or distribution for non-commercial purposes is permissible providing that the guide is left fully intact. Please do not modify this document in any way without prior consent. Send additions or corrections to the compilers at the address noted in the introduction.

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