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Audrey's Page
What to do, what to DO with the Angelfire site? I kind of gave up on the rebirth of the original content (dogs), considering I don't show anymore. I was inspired by reading up on
Angelfire history, realizing that I was THERE in the beginning of this wonderful host. Almost the beginning. I do remember the good old days of the "24-48 hour wait" for uploading... with FTP! And only being allotted, what was it? 1,000k? I miss it! Well.... maybe not. But I need something to put on this 6 year old website. Ideas? If you stumbled upon this site in one way or another, e-mail me. This was quite the popular website back in its heydey (or maybe my memory isn't exactly correct). I do have a new website that I got in 1999 or so, here, but it's not too exciting; however, I do update it. You can read about me and what I'm doing now there.

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Copyright 1997-2003 Audrey A. Schmid

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last update: 8.11.03