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Album Reviews | Show Reviews | Interviews | Articles

Album Reviews

Cherry Peel:
8-25-1997: CMJ
8-20-1997: Flagpole
All Music Guide

The Bird Who Continues To Eat The Rabbit's Flower
8-13-1997: Flagpole Magazine

The Bedside Drama: A Petite Tragedy
1999: Puncture
10-28-98: San Francisco Weekly
10-19-1998: Splendid E-zine
9-30-98: Flagpole
7-27-1998: CMJ

The Gay Parade
1999: Puncture
3-1-1999: CMJ
3-8-1999: Splendid E-zine
4-1999: AMZ
5-19-1999: Ink 19
7-1999: Alternative Press
11-1999: Popnews
All Music Guide

The Horse and Elephant Eatery (No Elephants Allowed): The Singles and Songles Album
2000: Excellent Online
2000: Heckler
5-15-2000: Splendid E-zine
6-2000: Babysue
2000: Tidal Wave magazine
VH1 Review
All Music Guide

The Early 4-Track Recordings
2-28-01: Pitchforkmedia

Coquelicot Asleep in the Poppies: A Variety of Whimsical Verse
4-13-2001: The Sunflower
4-13-2001: The Mac Weekly
4-18-2001: Flagpole
4-26-2001: Pitchfork
4-2001: Babysue
5-2001: All Music Guide
5-2001: Basement Life
5-2001: Amazon

Show Reviews
2000: Excellent Online: Live Act of the Year
8-2000: Salon: Kindercore Expo 2000: 40 Watt Club, Athens, GA
7-5-2000: PitchWeekly Online: Replay Lounge: Lawrence, MA
3-1999: The Bees Knees: Club Down Under: Tallahassee, FL

5-10-01: Denver Post: He's Living in a Dream World
5-10-01: Westworld: Critic's Choice -- Of Montreal
5-3-2001: Seattle Weekly: Fantastical Voyage
5-3-2001: The Stranger: Of Montreal Article
4-19-2001: Alligator: Of Montreal - Motion, Picture, Soundtrack
2-2001: FSview: Of Montreal Article
2-2001: Of Montreal Article
6-28-2000: Tuscon Weekly: Of Montreal Article
6-22-2000: Tuscon Citizen: Of Montreal Satisfies Musical Sweet Tooth
6-15-2000: The Stranger: The Sophisticated Innocence of Of Montreal
6-2000: The Daily Camera: Of Montreal Maps Out Whimsical Land of Music
2000: Of Montreal Article and MP3
1998: Tidal Wave: Inside the Mind of Kevin Barnes’ Of Montreal
8-1997: Flagpole: Of Montreal -- Peeling Back the Layers

6-2001: ZUMOnline: Kevin Barnes Interview
5-30-2001: The Chaos Bakery: Of Montreal Interview
4-11-2001: Flagpole: Kevin Barnes Interview
2000: Rockpile: Article/mini-Interview with Kevin Barnes
2000: Splendid E-Zine: Pointless Questions: Of Montreal's Kevin Barnes
2000: Splendid E-Zine: Features: Of Montreal, A Suppertime Discussion
2000: Excellent Online: Of Montreal Interview
7-1999: The Bees Knees: Interview with Of Montreal's Kevin Barnes
5-8-1999: Creative Loafing Atlanta: Interview
1997: Y'all Magazine: Interview with audio samples