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MACkRoCk '04
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Monday, 3 November 2003

RIP Argmobile 1973-2003

This was supposed to have been posted Nov 4 but something happened where I couldn't do that.

Well say farewell to what has been a really good friend of mine. My car. Last night on the way home from Starr's house, my motor burst into flames and burned my car to pieces. The fire department had to put out the fire. I am quite alright, all I got was a headache from the experience. Other than the car I only lost a few trivial items, I lost a purple piece of cloth that work seems to think is important. Also lost a roll of toilet paper, and a paperback book Memnoch The Devil by Anne Rice (part 5 of the vampire chronicles). But I got to stand there & watch my car burn. It's an interesting feeling. I was more annoyed than anything. First time I've ever actually called 911. This was a day that I am very glad I have my cel phone.

Posted by ga/nWoandMB20 at 5:08 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 8 November 2003 12:19 PM EST
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Friday, 31 October 2003

You made a bad decision or two, Yeah.

fall of the star high school running back.

Sophomore year:: you Rushed for an average of eight an a thrid yards per carry:: all eyes were on you:: Junior year:: Blew your knee out an an out of town game:: no where to go but down down down:: nothing but the ground left for you to fall to:: .... :: By july:: you made a whole bunch of brand new friends:: people you used to look down on:: and you figured out:: way to make real money:: giving ends to your friends and it felt stupendous:: chrome spokes on your japaneese bike:: but selling acid was a bad idea:: and selling it to a cop was a worse one:: a new law said that seventeen year-olds could to federal time:: you were the first one:: so I sing this song for you:: William Stantaforth Donahue:: your grandfather rode the boat over from Ireland, but:: you made a bad decision or two yeah..::

Obviously I have a song stuck in my head. But at least it's the entire song, instead of just a chorus, or a particular verse & a chorus. And most of all it's The Mountain Goats! So that can't be a bad thing. As long as it's not just that song in my head all day. It wouldn't bother me at all to have Mountain Goats songs in my head. When I felt such love for you I thought my heart was gonna pop:: I wanted you:: to love me like you used to do. Yeah. I love the Mountain Goats.

I need to actually buy some more of The Goats ablums. I only legitamately own one album. I'd like to buy some more. But we'll have to see how money looks after Christmas. Buy myself some after Christmas gifts.

Tonight I'm going to watch the Texas Chainsaw Massacre(original) for the first time. So that'll rule. Tomorrow I'm going camping with my cousin & Starr(hopefully she can come.) We're probobly going to do a bit of fishing, and a bit of cooking. And a lot of music listening, and maybe even a bit of singing & goofing off. This will of course contain lots of Wrens and Mountain Goats tunes blasting in the wilderness. I need to get Starr's birthday present soon, it's Nov. 19, and she'll be 21 and want to rub it in my face that she's 4 months older than I am again. Haha. Good thing its just done in good fun.

AWESOME NEWS! My boss says I can use IRC at work!!

#penisaur here I come!

Posted by ga/nWoandMB20 at 5:10 PM EST
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Thursday, 30 October 2003

John Darnielle saved me!

Thank you so much John Darnielle I finally got that Bro. Danielson song out of my head. Yay! Now I have the first half of All Hail West Texas's album in my head. Well I've Gotta go home now. Catch you guys later.

Posted by ga/nWoandMB20 at 8:54 PM EST
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Well, Well, Well

Well it appears that I was wrongly accused yesterday by that police officer. Because my tag WAS renewed as of may 15, 03. So now i have to either contest this in court, or have the sheriff's dept dismiss the charges. Which will be a fun task indeed.

Well today I recieved the checks I got from they were super cheap, and I was able to get "Yo Ho Ho" emblazoned on the checks! Woo! Also with my order I got a new checkbook, mine was rather worn. The cool thing is, 960 checks, with the Yo Ho HO personalization, and the checkbook only ran me 40 bucks. Incredible. That's including shipping!! I love it! Especially the "Yo Ho Ho" on there.

I wish I could get "We Don't Say Shut Up!" in my head. And I haven't listened to it in like 4 days. Hush Hush:: What's The rush?:: East Coast Children Do Too Much:: What He Whispers We Will Shout:: Conform in and Transform out:: QUIET TIME :: it's the QUIET TIME :: Need a QUIET TIME:: for the QUIET TIME...:: It's just too freaking catchy. It makes me want to go quit my job, runto the car and listen to it until I shrivel up and die. Like it would suck the life right out of me. I'd curl up in a fetal position writhing on the floor with my headphones imbedded into my skull, blasting the song at full volume. And to think when I saw Bro. Danielson in concert I hated him & wanted him to die. Crazy how things change isn't it? We won't run:: We Won't hide:: with Holiest of Ghost our guide:: We won't run:: We Won't hide:: with Holiest of Ghost our guide:: QUIET TIME:: It's the QUIET TIME:: need a QUIET TIME:: for the QUIET TIME:: God.. I need help...

So, I've noticed, still no one has used the post comments on here yet. So I have no ideas about bootlegging Mackrock. C'mon guys, help me out here! I've even done an "Ask Slashdot." Nothing yet :(

No one has commented on my plans for lodging at mackrock either. So I assume that's fine with everyone, this year we're splitting the cost of the rooms, but by doing that we can afford to get the luxurious rooms we've picked out. Oh yea :D Now Josh just needs to call the Wrens and see if they're cool with that.

Well today at work has been a lot better than it has been for a while. Call volume has been down a bit, no where near what it should be, but still down a bit, I can BREATHE without being on the phone all the time.

Well I will end this entry, and just add another one later if I get time. Arg-Out

Posted by ga/nWoandMB20 at 3:55 PM EST
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Wednesday, 29 October 2003

Assumption is the Mother of all Screw-ups

Well today I assumed that my mother had paid the renewal fee on my liscence plate on my car. Well apparently she did not. Because when i got pulled over today, I got written a citation for an expired liscence plate. Yay, now I just hope that we really did pay it so I can contest that in court. Take that State Government! Well at least the officer was a very amiable guy, we joked around about the Argmobile & he asked me some general questions about it. He also did not accuse me of lying or anything when I said that I did believe that my mother had renewed the tag. He believed they just hadn't updated their records, but he had to write the citation anyways. So I mean, he wasn't on a powertrip or anything like that. But I sure hope I don't have to pay that fine. I don't have the cash to spare :(

On a completely different note. FFT:A keeps getting better & better. I keep trying out different jobs with different characters, and I've found some really cool skills I'd like to use. Like strikeback, where your chracter blocks a "fight" command and then counterattacks. Which is much cooler than counter, but it only stops fight attacks, things like abilites that are close range don't trigger it, unlike counter. I've also found that I love illusionists. They have these semi-summon abilities. Deals damage to all enemies. I love it. Especially if you have turbo MP on, where it doubles the MP it takes to cast, but doubles the effectiveness as well. I'm finnaly learning some other combos in the game now. Marche has 2 combos, while I have a Sniper with a combo, and a Defender with a combo too. I doubt I'll keep the Defender using that Job though, He was better as a Templar, but I'd love to turn him into a Dragoon. I currently have a Dragoon, but since I don't use him too often, he dies all the time. And now he can't hit anyone in combat, so he can't level up except by drinking potions. So he's nearly useless to me. I'm loving the ability to use those anti-laws. Because some of the laws are just rediculous, like "no blades" or "no copycat"(which m eans you can't use the same move as the last unit did). Or what about the law that says you can't use the "fight" command, and now I get two laws per battle. Scary.

Well anyways, I've been working so hard today I've had like NO time to write into this blog :( I hate working so hard. I've had 31 calls already and some of them have been hours long. Like the one I'm on right now, it had been hours :( god... I hope we hire some more people to cope with the nwe load. Because it's killing me.

Posted by ga/nWoandMB20 at 7:02 PM EST
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Tuesday, 28 October 2003

How I have neglected ye,

I forget to post for a few hours and I feel like I have neglected the log here! My how things change. In the old days I felt like if I had done something with it more than twice a week it was too much. Today has just been one of those really busy days. It seems to keep getting worse! One of our affiliates switchted over from PPPoE (ethernet with a login) to DHCP(obtain Ip address automaically). And that's several thousand users. Que keeps going higher and higher. Well I don't have time to give you guys much more than that. I just cannot wait to go home. I have been here too long today.

Posted by ga/nWoandMB20 at 7:59 PM EST
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Monday, 27 October 2003

In other news!

In other news.. I just found a picture of evilpie!!! Yes, that loveable maniac from #penisaur that blurts crazy things at times, but always remains loveable, I found his picture. See it here!

All jokes aside. That really is Pie. No, I'm not kidding. That's the loveable adorable evilpie! That picture burns my brain when I look at it though. That's because it's evil. Like pie is. He's evil, and he's pie. So he's evilpie. Yeah, well back to work for me.

Posted by ga/nWoandMB20 at 6:26 PM EST
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Bro. Danielson

According to Secretly Canadian's website: BRO. DANIELSON ALBUM IN THE WORKS: Daniel Smith is hard at work on the sixth Danielson album. Recording and performing under the name Bro. Danielson pronounced Brother Danielson), the full-length will come out on Secretly Canadian in March 2004. He is also working on 12" for Burnt Toast Vinyl and will have a song on the new Kill Rock Stars compilation.

Woo!! New Danielson Famile stuff! I know I'm excited, I know Starr isn't haha, she hates Bro. Danielson. She can't stand the whole style he has. Oh well. I like it. Although in concert I absoloutely hated it. But by the time I left the staduim where he was, I was sad I didn't buy one of his albums there, because after you get around the strangeness of it, it's really good!

Posted by ga/nWoandMB20 at 2:37 PM EST
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Hey does anyone out there know any good, cheap, bootlegging equipment, because I'd like to bootleg the concerts I go to. Because I enjoy re-living them. I know I enjoy my Mountain Goats bootleg from last year. I got it from someone, who got it from someone who bootlegged the show. I'd like to have one of us somehow doing that, but preserving the quality of the show and such. But I don't want anyone to have to spend too much on it. If you have any info let me know.

Posted by ga/nWoandMB20 at 2:24 PM EST
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Still working too Hard

Arg works too hard. I didn't even get to say hello to anyone in #penisaur this morning. But on the ligther side of things, I found a really cool app thanks to Gabe & Tycho at a penny arcade article!! It's called Object Dock. I don't know if you ever used Mac os X(any version). But it's pretty freaking cool. The toolbar at the top of the screen is much better than any other toolbar interface I've ever used. And this gives you the ability to transform that unresponsive windows tool bar into a completely customizable interface that is similar to the mac os 10 interface. It's pretty sweet! I like having a customizable toolbar. The only thing is you have to download a couple vbs files to give it the ability to pop up the start menu. But you can get those from I may fool around a bit and get an entirely new GUI for my windows system. I know if I want customizability get Linux right? Well I like the funtionality of windows, and I like my games. And Linux will not recognize my stupid winmodem. :( So it's a double-edged sword. I think I may re-download mozilla when I get home though, I hate using IE.

There are still too many people wanting my help at one time, 6 for 16 min, wow. too bad I'm on the phone with this lady who can't send email for no apparent reason at all. Sucks to wait on hold I bet. I know I hate to be put on hold, but at least we have Yanni to keep them company. Some people love Yanni, I had one guy tell me to put him back on hold, he was enjoying the song, and then some people think Yanni is annoying. Personally, I don't care.

I guess someone here read my bit about being on the back row & thinking I could get away with something, because they wouldn't put me there today, although the back row is heavily populated. haha, Even though I did not play any FFT:A yesterday on the clock or even pull the GBA SP out when on the floor or on the phone. Oh well I guess it was the entire thought that I could have done that & I considered it. Eh, whatever

I haven't been troubleshooting the CCS program at work lately, or even using it, so I was quite pleased yesterday when I logged into it & most of my gripes about it had been resolved. Only a few speed problems really are the problems left with it. I guess they really listened to my suggestions.

I once again have a 3:00 lunch. I don't particularlly like 3:00 lunch. But at least I know that if I'm on a call I will always have someone there to take my callover so I can go to lunch. I've got some sort of roast that I slow cooked overnight for my lunch. I don't particularlly like roast either. But when you make one it'll feed ya for like 3 days with either bread or rice. So in the long run roast beef is good for ya.

Speaking of good for you, I really need to start getting out & exercising. I feel like a hideous blob. I know I'm not, but I sure feel like one. If the streets were safe to walk after work without a police officer at your side I'd definately walk for like an hour or two when I got home for the next few weeks, but that's not possible. I'd love to just walk the streets at night & play FFT:A and be shaping up a bit too. I need to get the resolve to do pushups or situps or something.

Wow, finally the que is empty.

I want to go back in time & experience Macrock 03 again. I'd probobly pick a few different bands to go to during certain times, but I'd definately see the Wrens, Mountain Goats, Bro. Danielson, Aim of Conrad, Codeseven, Desecata, and Ostinato. I'd also try to enjoy Minus The Bear this time, because last time I was too excited about hanging out with the Wrens to even pay any attention to Minus the Bear other than knowing I'd love them if I wasn't so occupied in my mind. I hope the wrens can preform at mackrock 04, because I'd love to see them now that they have practiced more. Also I'm hoping we can room with em this year, I'm sure that they would, we just have to find a way to contact em. My cousin Jim already has a plan on our accomidations. He has connections with a very fine motel establishment. We're going to get two rooms side by side with a seperation door between them so we don't have to go outside to go to the other room. One room will have a king size bed, jacuzzi, large bathroom, couch with a fold out bed. and a kitchen. The other will have two full size beds and a large bathroom. So we'll have plenty of room. Since it looks like the current attendance will be Me, Starr, Jim, Paul, Josh, nik, Brian, and hopefully The Wrens. So since nik likes sleeping on the floor, that frees up a bed space, Josh will sleep wherever nik sleeps. Another space. Bave likes sleeping on the floor when he's drunk(which he probobly will be). I don't know about Brian, but that leaves three people on the king size bed, two for the fold out bed, and then two on each of the full size beds. Plenty of space! Also since Jim is a chef, we'll have great food if we don't want to go to a resturant! Not like we wouldn't go to resturants, because Harrisonburg has some great Thai food, and Fishersville (like 10 min away) has an incredible cafe-like resturant. And that's just two off the top of my head! We could also go to the Artful Dodger cafe and eat there, we never had time last year. So I mean we've really planned this thing out great in advance. I already know what I'm going to do for my days off! The Wed prior, I'll take a half-day off (getting of at 3 or 4) then Jim, Starr, and I will drive up to Harrisonburg, arriving late Wed or early Thurs. We'll get our motel rooms. Then we'll meet up with the rest of the crew. Thurs will be a cooldown day, be fully rested for Mackrock. then Friday/Saturday is mackrock!! Then we'll hang out there sunday, rest up, hang out more, and then monday morn I'll have another half-day off & not have to be at work until like 3 or 4 pm. So I mean it's going to be great and I only have to really take 4 pdo(Paid Days Off) to do it because I'll make that sat-sun be my weekend of for that week. Man it'll be awesome. Man I want april to be here already so I can go. I just have to take much more money this year. I only took like 200 last year, I would like to take 1k, or at least 400 bucks. Because I think I'd like to have cds of every band I enjoy listening to this year (if possible their discography). Which I was unable to do last year.

I hope I'm in a bit of better shape for this year's macrock. Haha, maybe I won't be afraid to wear a bathing suit in the jacuzzi. Anyways. Arg-Out for now.

Posted by ga/nWoandMB20 at 2:16 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 27 October 2003 2:54 PM EST
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