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POW SSGT Burt C. Small Jr.

HE WAS Abandon in VietNam

image: Burt Small

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."
John 15:13


Name: Burt Chauncy Small, Jr. 
Rank/Branch: E4/US Army Special Forces  
Unit: (Psyops Specialist) C Company,
Advisory Detachment A-108, 
5th Special Forces Group, 1st Special Forces 
Date of Birth: 02 September 1946 (Long Beach, CA)
Home of Record: Savannah, GA
Date of Loss: 06 March 1967 
Country of Loss: South Vietnam
Loss Coordinates: 145918N 1084233E (BS537582)
Status in 1973: Prisoner of War 
Category: 1
Aircraft/Vehicle/Ground: Ground
Other Personnel In Incident: Jacob G. Roth, Jr. (rescued); 2 unnamed advisors (killed, bodies recovered) 


Source: Compiled from one or more of the following: raw data from U.S. Government agency sources, correspondence with POW/MIA families, published sources, interviews, "Green Berets At War" by Shelby Stanton; interviews with returned POW Robert Garwood; various news articles. Updated by the P.O.W. NETWORK in 1999.

Other Personnel In Incident: 20-man Vietnamese patrol of the 142d CIDG
Company. Jacob G. Roth (rescued); 2 unnamed American advisors (killed,
bodies recovered)
Correction:  The 2 "unnamed" American advisors were MSGT Thomas Sanchez and
SSGT Michael Stearns.  They were part of a reactionary force flown to the
ambush site by a C Company helicopter.
SYNOPSIS: SSgt Burt C. Small and Sgt. Jacob G. Roth, Jr. were with a 20 man
South Vietnamese patrol which was ambushed near Minh Long on March 6, 1967.
Correction:  At the time of the ambush, Burt Small was a Sgt. and Jacob Roth
was a SSGT. Burt's promotion to SSgt was done posthumously.
During the skirmish, Small and Roth tried to stop the CIDG radio operator,
who was running away, when Small was wounded in the left leg, captured by
North Vietnamese troops, and not seen again.
According to Robert Garwood, returned POW, the Vietnamese questioned him
about Burt Small, and asked if he was a relative of Garwood's.
Correction:  According to Robert Garwood, this information is incorrect.  He
now states that he was never asked about, nor did he ever hear of Burt C.
Small Jr.
Some sources say that Burt Small was seen being led away by the enemy, but
Small's records are still classified (1989), and there is no way to verify
any of the reports relating to him through official channels.
Correction:  Some (not all) records on Burt Small have now been
declassified. There are several documents which note that he was "shot in
the leg and immediately surrounded by 4 NVA"...and that "he was led away
under his own power, direction unknown."
Burt was born September 2, 1946 in Long Beach, CA and graduated from high
school in Savannah GA in 1965. He enlisted with his brother in the Army in
January 1966. He took basic training at Ft. Gordon GA then went on to Ft.
Benning GA for specialized training and jump school.
Burt took and passed all the tests for Special Forces at Ft. Benning, but he
did not receive his Beret until he was in Vietnam in September 1966 because
of his age. He worked with 35 Vietnamese, training them and accompanying
them on patrols.
Small was classified as a prisoner of war, yet the Vietnamese claim no
knowledge of him. The United States Government "assumes" he is dead, and is
apparently not vigorously seeking answers as to his fate. The U.S. Army will
not release information regarding him. His family would like to have Burt
Small home.

All Biographical and loss information on POWs
provided by Operation Just Cause
have been supplied by
Chuck and Mary Schantag.
Barbara has been dedicated to
the search, take a look at her
website as she has extensive
research she has done on
Burt C. Small Jr.
I hope more see these pages and
will join in the fight for ANSWERS
adoped a POW/MIA.
Barbara Ruef Home Page

"The Ballad of the Green Berets."

Fighting soldiers from the sky, Fearless men who jump and die, Men who mean just what they say The brave men of the Green Beret. Silver wings upon their chests, These are men, America's best, One hundred men we'll test today, But only three win the Green Beret. Trained to live off nature's land, Trained in combat, hand to hand, Men who fight by night and day, Courage take from the Green Beret. Silver wings upon their chests, These are men, America's best, Men who mean just what they say, The brave men of the Green Beret. Back at home a young wife waits, Her Green Beret has met his fate, He has died for those oppressed, Leaving her this last request: Put silver wings on my son's chest, Make him one of America's best, He'll be a man they'll test one day, Have him win the Green Beret.

All of them are more than a name on the wall!! All of
them deserve to be home - on American soil!!
HOME!!! Where they belong - not left behind to become
only a name on the wall.We need to bring them home! They fought for the freedom for others - It is their American right to be on American soil. Please help by joining Operation Just Cause and adopting one of our American Heros. Fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. Write your Senators, write to your President, Vice President and anyone else you think can help. Isn't it time to make the voices of our POW's and MIA's heard. They cannot do themselves, it is our responceabilty to do it for them.

Download Jim Richards' incredible movie tribute to The Wall.
You will never be the same!  Just click on Download or
movie tribute to The Wall to download the file.

Our American soldiers go to war prepared to be wounded, taken prisoner, even prepared to die. They do not go prepared to be abandoned. If there is even ONE American alive, we must do everything possible to bring him home.

I need no flashing graphic or anything to Honor Burt on Feb 1, 2006.
This page was close for him, that is the least I could do for him, for ALL he gave for me and Our Country.


" This Award is issued to this site by the Advisory Board
of the POW/MIA Freedom Fighters Organization,
for it's early and steadfast commitment to our missing Warriors "


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is owned by Marilyn Houser Site ID#1042

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