Lindsay Kitt's Homepage

Click here to hear the PINK PANTHER song!

HI! My name is Lindsay Kitt Williams, and I am probably one of the coolest people you will never meet. (But at least you've had the chance to visit my homepage, right?) As you can probably tell, I am not an entirely serious person. I will tell you just a little bit about myself, so you will have greater understanding of the purpose of this page and the reasons for my links. First of all, this was originally a school project - otherwise I might never have had the time or the patience to do get this thing started. I am 19 years old, and although I had planned to attend the Georgia Institute of Technology this fall, I was unable to get the funding for it and now attend school in my hometown at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. where I am currently a biology major and a member of Sigma Kappa Sorority. I dance, and I also play drums, guitar, and piano, which may give you an idea about why most of my links are to sites devoted to my favorite artists... and a few of my favorite things! (One of which is the Pink Panther...if you hadn't guessed.) You can find out more about those by clicking on the following topics, and even if you've never heard of some of the stuff here, check it'll expand your realm of knowledge!
My "Causes" and Beliefs
Me and My Friends
My Favorite Links

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