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Biblical Mormonism: Soteriology

Chapter sample from Biblical Mormonism

After an exposition on obedience as a requirement for salvation, Evangelicals might feel vindicated in their claim that Mormon soteriology is a system of works righteousness like the Pharisees had in Christ's day. That would be a grave misunderstanding on their part, but it would not be their first. Most Evangelical criticism of Mormon theology is based on misinformation and misunderstanding. For example, Peter taught concerning Jesus Christ: "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved" (Acts 4:12). Most Evangelicals do not realize that Mormons emphatically teach the same doctrine (Book of Mormon, Mosiah 3:17;5:8), which clearly negates any idea that Men can get to Heaven on their own.

This article is an attempt to dispel some of the misunderstandings that lie at the heart of Evangelical criticism of Mormon soteriology. In so doing, it will provide an explanation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that places obedience in its appropriate biblical perspective as an element of the Law of Faith by which Men are saved. Before examining the Gospel of Jesus Christ, however, it is helpful to identify its goal. If the goal os not clearly in view, passages that relate to its attainment will inevitable be misinterpreted.

Saved from What?
By Grace Ye Are Saved
You have Been Saved
God's Standard
Not of Works
Is Faith a Work?
Lest any Man should Boast

[Webpage designed by Kevin Graham]