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This darkly humorous novel of World War II was hailed as an instant masterpiece right after its publication, and for good reason.  It is the story of a bombardier captain named Yossarian who wants to be out of the war more than anything.  He has reached his quota of missions flown several times, as have all the other pilots, but the number keeps increasing.  While he is forced to stay in, he feigns insanity, only to learn of Catch-22.  This story of Yossarian, the dead man in his tent, Nately, Major Major, the Chaplain and Orr, goes back and forth from hilarious to touching.  In all, this is a classic that will leave a mark on any reader as the antagonist tries to understand why people he doesn't even know are trying to kill him.

Note:  Material in this novel, while true, is not suitable for everyone.