

I have attempted to reproduce these using the exact same wording that Dr. Hollander used in the originals.  That includes both spelling and punctuation.  I am sure that I made some errors.  I apologize for those.


The originals frequently included mailing addresses for cited individuals as well as mailing lists for everyone that was receiving the news letter.  I chose to delete all of these addresses.  In the first place few 50-year or old addresses are still valid.  Also, I felt that these days some people might feel it was an invasion of privacy.


Dr. Hollander also frequently included a list of several literature references at the end of the news letter.  These references dealt with a variety of research areas generally associated with genetics.  But they were not specific to pigeons.  I did not include these references for two reasons-today we probably have much better references than those from 50 years ago and in general there seems to be little interest among hobbyists in such general scientific citations.


Dick Cryberg

Index of Topics 

Topics are listed alphabetically by issue:page

Links to these issues are found at the bottom of this page.

Achromatosis (see also molt  change,

whitesides) 28:6,  30:2 

aggressiveness 10:6

albino 6:1, 7:1, 24:2

Alinegra 7:4, 11:4, 35:3          

feed blind) 5:6, 10:2

Almond 5:4, 6:5, 8:2, 9: 22:2, 36:24,

11:3,3, 12:4, 13:414:4, 15:4< 16:4, 19:1,

21:4, 25:4, 27:3,6, 28:5, 29:2 31:4,

32:4, 35:4, 39:3

Andalusian (see indigo)

Anesthesia 23:4, 24:4

Archangel 2:1 7:3, 9:518:5, 30:1, 33:2

argent 3:4, 13:2, 16;3, 19:3, 28:2,

34:4, 36:4

ash_red 6:3,4, 7:3, 14:4,          

17:3, 22:4, 23:2

atavism 10:5

atherosclerosis 8:2, 11:114:5, 20:4,

21:1, 24: 5, 32:5,6 

autosexing 2:3, 3:2, 4: 5, 6:4, 9:3,

11:3,4, 12:3, 13:2, 14:4, 15: 2, 16;1,2,

18:4, 20: 3, 22:2, 23:4, 25:1, 27:2,

29:3, 340:4, 31: 1, 37:3, 38:4

Bagdadi 15:4, 22:2, 23:431:3, 37:4

Bailly-Maitre 10:5

Baldhead 3:1, 4:2, 13:2 27:6, 30:4,

31:3, 32:3

Barb, Barbary pigeon 16:4, 23:2, 35:4     

barless 3:1, 6:1, 7:2, 16:3, 17:2, 21:2,

32:2, 37:2

bars 10:2

Beak 3:4, 4:4, 8:5, 20: 3, 21:3, 25:3,

27:3, 31:3, 32:4, 34:5, 35: 1, 38:2;

beak color 3: 4, 27:3;

beak disharmony 5:4, 6:5, 7:3

black (see also spread) #201,  21:3

bladder eye (see also almond) 36:2    

Blindness (see also almond;

Blood (see immunogenetics)

Blyth 12:2

Body type (see also size) 11:2, 23:2,

27:5, 30: 1, 34:5, 36:4

Books (see also author names) 30:5,

37:1, 38:4

brain waves 18:3

Brander 2:3, 6:5, 12:2

20:1, 27:5, 28:2, 33: 2, 36:5, 37:2,

38:2  39:3

breed crosses (see breed names)

breed origins (see also breed name) 17:4,


breeding systems 6:4, 7:2,  21:2, 22:2,

23:3, 38:2

bronze (see also Brander, Kite) 7:1,

11:2, 12:2, 13:2, 16:4, 22:1,2, 26:4,

27:5, 28:2,5 29:2, 30:4, 31:2, 33:2,

34:4, 36:5, 37:2, 38:2, 39:3

broodiness 6:5, 18:5 brown 7:2, 8:3,

10:2, 17:2, 21:3, 28:4

Bruce Lowe system 21:2, 22: 2, 26:2,


Brunner Pouter 23:4

bull eye 3:1, 13:4, 14:5, 23:3, 34:2,


bumblefoot 25:3, 26:5

Carneau 14:2, 15:2, 26:5, 39:3           

Carrier (see also Bagdadi) 10:5,

22:3, 27:3, 4, 33:4, 35:4       

Catalonian Tumblers 14:1 16:2

cataract 8:5, 37:4, 38:4

cere color 7:4

cere defect 17:4

coloboma of iris #28:3

colors (see special names) 10:2, 16:4,

22:2, 25:2, 26:1,4,5, 27: 2, 28:3, 38:3

Columba fasciata 8:2, 9: 2, 15:3, 27:2

Columba guinea 15:3, 17:2, 20:2

Columba cenas 5:6, 10:6,  19:4


creases in neck feathering 34:5

crest 10:5, 21:!, 28:4  33:4, 35:3,4, 38:3

crochet head 3:2

Croppers (see also Pouter)  39:3,

Nirwich 5;5, Old German 5:5

crosses (see breed names, hybrids)

crossing over 23:4

Damascene (see also ice)  30:4

dapple (see sooty)

day-length effects 10:6

Diamond dove 16:5

dilute milky 1:4

dilute reduced 3:2, 24:4, 29:2

dilution 25:4, 31:4

disease resistance 3:5

27:4, 30:2, 34:3

Dixie Pouter 10:1, 20:3, 25:2

DNA 12:4

docility 20:2

dominance 16:4, 20:4

dominant opal 3:2, 5:5  8:5, 10:3,

11:2, 12: 3, 20:4, 26:2, 29:1, 30:2,

38:3, 39:2;

homozygous 22:3, 23:3,

behaviour (see also tumbling,

homing ability) 3:2, 6:

5, 10:6, 15:3,4, 18:1,

20:2,3, 22:2, 25:5,

29:3, 32:5, 33:5, 34:

1, 35:1,5, 36:2, 39:2

checker 7:2, 16:2, 24:3, 25:4

chromosomes 9:5, 30:5

clumsy (see also feed blind)  36:2

Cinetail 24:2

24:3, 28:2, 29:2

double-yolk eggs 25:5, 28:3, 36:3

dovegon 10:3,5, 13:2,

14:2, 17:2, 20:2,

22:3,4, 23:1, 36:2, 39:3






doves (see also ring dove)

6:3, 8,1,1, 22:4, 34:2, 38:4

down length 3:4, 5:4, 8:

3, 9:4, 16:4, 26:1,  31:4, 32:4, 32:5

Dragoon 25:3, 35:1

droop or drop wing  14:2,  19:4, 28:4

dusky 14:4, 22:4

early maturity 2:2, 3:5,

eggs 25:5, 27:4, 28:3,     


holding before incubation 6:5, 7:4,

33:1, 34:2; shell 7:4,5, 12:2, 14:2, 28:3,

production 23:1, 32:6, 35:1;

shipping 34:1           

embryos 2 heads 5:4

epistasis 5:3

Ewart  10:5, 18:4

Exhibition Homer 35:6    

Eye cere 3:2, 12:5, 15:4, 21:3

eye colors (see also bull, pearl) 32:3, 37:4

eyelid, feathers in 5:2,

25:2; fissure 25:3, 27:3  

eyes (see also cataract,  

coloboma, feed-blind)

of homozygous almond 5:4, 8:2, 14:4,

(see also almond); eyeless 10:2,

bladder eye 36:2

faded (see also auto-sexing) 5:4, 6:4,

11:4, 12:5, 16:2,4, 25:1, 28:4,5, 33:3

fadellin 6:4, 8:2, 13:4, 31:1      

Fantail 2:1,3, 10:1, 16:5, 17:4, 18:1,

19:1, 28:4, 32:2, 34:4, 35:  2, 37:2

fasting to refresh blood 14:2     

feather (see also flights, rectrices, silky, plumage colors, etc, frill neck, naked,

foot feather) 16: 2, 20:2, 22:3, 23:1, 

24:1, 26:1,5;

plucking effects 26:1

feather tracts 5:6

feather wear and color 28:2,

split 34:3    

feed blindness 3:3, 5:1,2,

6:5, 9:3, 10:2, 13:1, 20:3, 27:2, 36:2



Feeding baby squabs 6:5

feet (see foot, toes)

feral 6:2, 9:5, 13:3,

15:5, 16:5, 24:4, 30:2, 34:2, 35:1,4,


flecking 3:2, 6:4, 11:1, 12:5, 13:4,

16:5, 18:2 29:1, 30:2, 33:3, 34:4 

35:5, 38:4

flights (see also remiges)

flights double 2:2, 10:3,  

20:2, 21:3, 22:1, 31:1, 32:1, 34:3

flights long 4:3, 7:4

flights absent 23:4, 31:4 

flights split shafts 34:3

fire-marked (see Bronze)

Florentine 21:1, 35:3

foot (see also toes) 25:3,26:5, 35:2;

foot feathering 31:2, 35<6

Frill back 2:2, 7:4, 10:3,  

20:4, 33:2, 34:5, 35: 3, 37:2,3

Frills (see Oriental Frills)

Frill neck 10:3, 14:4, 22:3, 29:3, 32:4, 35:4

gametocide 33:4, 35:1

gazzi 5:2, 8:4, 11:3, 12:2, 13:3, 15:4,

21:2, 31:2, 35:2, 37:4, 38:2, 39:2

gene frequencies 21:1

Genuine Homer 1:4

German Beauty Homer 3:3

Gesner 17:4

Gier 9:2

Giant Beauty Homer 2:3, 9:1, 27:1

gloss (see sheen)

grease quills 5:5, 6:4, 12:2, 26:2

gridelin 30:3

grizzle (see also tiger, stork, mottle)

6:5, 14: 5, 17:4, 27:5, 28:2,4,  29:3,

30:4, 31:2,3, 32:4. 34:3, 35:3, 37:2,


grouse (see foot feather)

hallux (see toes, polydactyly)

handedness 11:5, 26:6, 27:4, 30:3

hand-feeding squabs (see milk)     

hatchability 27:4, 29:3

Head (see also beak) 25:332:3, 35:6



Helmet 22:3, 33:2, 35:2,

36:1, 37:4

heterosis 1:4, 3:2, 8:3,

5, 35:5, 36:3

homing ability 5:1,6, 12:

5, 15:4, 18:3, 22:2,

23:4, 26:3,6, 27:4,

30:2,3, 34:4, 35:3,

4, 37:2, 39:1,4

hormones 18:5

Hubbell 32:2, 33:3, 34:

5, 35:3, 37:4, 39:3

Hume 12:2

Hungarian 3:3, 5:5, 8:3,

21:3, 26:2

hybrids (see breed or

species name) 2:1, 4:

3, 6:6, 7:1, 8:2, 9:2, 10:3,

5,6, 13:2, 14:2, 16:2, 17:2,

18:3, 19:4, 20:2,

21:3, 22:3,4, 23:1, 25:5,

26:6, 30:1, 31:3, 32:3,

33:2,4, 34:4, 35:1,3,4,5,

36:2, 37:3,4, 39:3

ice 2;2, 3:3, 12:3, 14:1, 24:4,

30:4, 34:2, 38:3

immunogenetics 11:1, 14: 5,

6:5, 18:5, 22: 4, 24:5, 25:5,

28:6, 30:5, 31:4, 33:5, 35:6

inbreeding 1<4, 6:2,

13:3, 27:2,4, 33:1,

34:1, 35:5, 36:3,

37:4, 39:4

Inca dove 16:5

incompatible cross 27:1, 29:3

incubator 15:2,3

indigo 2:2, 3:4, 12:3,

15:2, 16:3, 18:3, 21:3, 22:1,

23:2,  24:1, 26:4, 34:4, 38:3

intersex 13:2 iodine 27:4

iridescence (see also scheen) 30:5

iris (see bull, pearl,

coloboma, eye)

isabel 7:2, 22:1, 29:2





Jacobin 6:3, 11:4, 15:1,

16:4, 18:2, 22:3, 30:3, 31:2,

33:3,4, 37:4

Kaisertaube, Konigtaube 5:4

Kanik 25:2

khaki 26:6

King 6:3, 7:3, 9:3, 21: 2, 22:3

kite (see bronze) 16:4,  29:2

Komorner Tumbler 36:1, 39:3

Korth 16:3, 19:5

Lahore 2;1, 20:3, 26:1, 27:5

Lark 21:1          

Laugher 11:1, 12:1, 13:1,

15:2, 19:2, 20:2, 24: 2, 26:3

 lavender 16:3, 27:5, 30:3,

32:4, 33:1      

Lebanon (see ribbon tail)

Legs, extra 23:5;           

            long 30:1

            short 32:4

            missing 33:2

Lenardo 2:1       

lethal 9:2, 36:4

lighting 21:3, 32:6

linebreeding 21:2, 37:4, 38:2

linkage 11:2, 15:5, 17:2,

27:5, 38:2

long feathering 4:3, 5:2,3

longevity 10:5, 16:3, 18:3,

19:5, 26:3

Lowtan 2:1

Lullin 4:5

Lynx 3:4, 11:2, 37:3; 39:1

magnani (see almond)

magpied (see piebald) 26:2

Mailing lists #1, 13, 21:5

29:5, 37:5

Maltese X Hungarian 8:3

mating behavior 10:6, 11:3,

mating preference 9:5, 15: 4,


Mawardi 7:3

melanin and feather strength 28:2

melanoblasts 5:6


milk (pigeon crop substitute milk)

6:5, 13:2, 14:2, 15:3, 19:3, 38:3, 39:4

milky 23:5, 24:1, 26:4,     

27:5, 33:1, 37:4

milky dilute 1:4  

mimica 10:2

minime color 6:2

miroite (see ribbon tail)  

Modena 2:1, 3:3, 7:1, 8:3, 9:2,

11:2, 12:2, 15:2, 16:3. 17:2, 21:1,

24:1, 25: 3, 26:1,2, 26:4, 27:5,

28:3,5, 30:1,4, 31:2, 32:4, 33:1,3,

34:4, 35:3, 36:4, 37:4, 38:3

molt 18:5, 21:3, 25:5       

molt change (see also white- sides) 3:4,

4:5, 5:5, 6:3,4, 7:1, 11:2, 12:3, 19:3,

27:5, 28:4,6, 39:4, 31:3, 39:3

Mondain 16:2     

Mondaine 15:4, 16:1, 36:4

Moo-angel 2:1, 6:1, 10:2, 26:1

Mookee 2:1, 3:1, 7:2       

Moos-sulli 12:1, 36:5

mosaics 1:4, 2:1,2, 3:2,

4:4, 5:6, 6:5, 7:5, 8:3, 9:5, 10:1,

11:5, 12:5, 13:4, 15:5, 17:4, 18:4,

19:4, 20:4, 21:4, 22:4, 23:5,

24:4, 25:5, 26:6, 27:6, 28:5, 29:4,

30:5, 31:4, 32:5, 33:4, 34:5, 35:6,

38:5, 39:4

mottling (see also white- sides) 3:2,

5:5, 7:1, 27:6, 28:4, 35:5         

mourning dove 8:1, 9:3, 10:3, 16:5,

24:2, 34: 2, 36:2

muff (see foot feathering)

mules (see hybrids)        

museum 20:1

mutants 10:6, 34:2, 39:4 

mutation 4:3, 5:3,4, 11:1, 16:2,

17:3, 28:3, 29:2, 30:3, 32:4, 36:2      

naked 16:2, 20:3, 21:3, 35:2, 36:4

naked neck 3;3, 4:2,3, 5:5,

7:4, 9:4, 24:4, 36:4

Napolitan 18:1

neck shaking 18:1


nervous traits (see behavior) 3:2

non-disjunction 39:4

nostril (see cere)

Nun 7:2, 8:3,4, 15:1,

27:3, 35:4

nutrition (see also milk)

15:5, 35:2, 38:3

oil gland 27:3, 28:3 29:3, 30:1

opal, rec, 1:4, 6:2, 7:2, 8:4, 9:5,

12:4,5, 13:3,4, 14:2, 16:4,17:1,

19:2,3, 28:3, 6, 36:2

Oriental Frills 6:4, 11: 2

orientation (see homing)

Owl, Chinese 7:2, 8:5, 10:3, 14:4,

16:4, 17: 2, 21:2

Owl X Turbit 2:3, 6:3

Owl X Archangel 18:5

Owl X Frill back 37:4

pale 2:3, 17:3, 31:4

paratyphoid 30:2, 32:2

Parlor Tumbler 2:3, 3:3,

4:2, 5:5, 21:4, 26: 4, 31:1, 32:1, 33:2

Passenger Pigeon 6:5, 13:1

pastel (see reduced)

patterns (see special name

Payne, Roy 7:2 (see also

Bruce Lowe)

pearl iris 31:4

picotee 8:5

piebald (see also white, baldhead,

gazzi, Nun, etc.) 4:4,5, 6:3, 8: 4,

9:2, 11:5, 13:2, 15:1,3,4, 16:3,19:3,

20:3,4, 21:1, 23: 2,3, 24:2,4, 26:2,

27:3,6, 28:1, 29:3,4, 30:4, 31:2,3,

32:3,5, 33:2, 34:2,4, 35:2,3, 36:1,

38:1,2,3, 39:3

pink-eyed-dilute 37:4 39:3

plumage 7:4

fluffy 6:2

creases 34:5

poem 31:1

polydactyly 5:5, 8:3, 9: 3, 13:2, 17:4,

20:4, 21:3, 31:3







polygamy n9:3, 11:3< 19:4

pop eyes (see also almond)

14:4, 15:4

porcupine 10:5, 16:2, 19:4

Poundena, Poundina 16:3

Pouters 7:3, 10:1, 20:3, 25:2,

29:3, 30:1, 35: 3, 39:3

powdered (see ice, milky)

Prague Highflier 3:2, 8:3,

10:3, 11:2, 12:3

pretzel breeding (see also

  linebreeding) 6:4,

primaries (see remiges)

production (see also squab  yield)

6:4, 32:2,6,  33:3         

progeny testing 6:4

“R” manuscript 14:1, 16:4

racing ability (see also homing ability)

4:2,  5:3

Racing Homer colors 6:1,2, 7:1, 16:3,

22:2, 25:2, 27:2, 32:2, 37:2, 38:3, 39;1  

Racing Homers 

   Inbreeding 1:4, 13:3, 33:1,

   34:1, 39:4

  X Turbit 2:3, 33:3

  X Roller 2:4, 5:1

  X Swift 5:3

  X Tippler 6:2, 27:2, 29:3, 32:1

  X dove 7:1

  X Tumbler 31:2, 35:4

  X Strasser 35:2, 37:2

  X Lynx 39:1

radiation (see X-ray) 



recessive red (see also whitesides, mottle)

3:2 7:3, 14:4, 15:2, 18:3, 23:2, 25:3, 26:5, 27:3,6, 28,4,5, 34:4, 37:2, 38:4

record systems 14:4, 27:1

rectrix on back 3:3, 17:3

rectrices 10:3, 11:5, 18:1, 23:1             

red quality 3:4. 5:5, 7:3, 22:4, 26:5

reduced 3:2, 5:3, 7:5, 12:4, 15:2,

22:1, 23: 3, 24:4, 28:4, 29:2,3         

rejuvenation 14:2, 26: 3

relationship, calculating 33:1

remiges double 2:2, 10:3, 18:1,

20:2, 21:3, 22:1, 31:1,32:1, 34:3,

remiges absent 23:4

remiges split 34:3

reversion 18:4  

ribbontail 1:4, 2:1, 3:2, 4:2,

5:5, 6:5, 7:3, 9:5, 12:5, 13:1,

14:2, 15:2, 16:5, 18:2, 20:4,

29:2, 39:3

Ring dove 2:3, 4:3, 9:3,5, 13:3,

15:3, 18:3, 25:1, 26:3,4, 28:3,

32:5, 33:5, 34:3, 35:3, 38:1, 39:3

  X pigeon 7:1, 8:2, 9:2, 10:3,5,

13:2, 18:3, 19:4, 20:2, 21:3, 22:

3,4, 23:1, 32:3, 36:2

Rodenbach 10:5           

Rollers 25:2, 26:4, 30:1, 34:2, 38:3

   white bar 2:1

  X Homer 2:4

  barless 3:1, 7:2

Rolling 23:3, 31:1, 32:1, 33:2

rose (see also tuft) 22:2          

rumpless 23:1, 24:3, 32:3



saddle (see also piebald, Turbit) 13:1, 23:3

Sandy 16:2, 37:3

Scandaroon 26:2

Schaukappe 7:1           

schilf color 33:4, 34:2

Schmalkalden 4:5, 15:1

scraggly 20:4

season effects 5:2, 6:4, 36:3

sex difference 2:4, 7:3,4, 10:5, 13:3,

14:5, 15:3, 16:2,5, 22:3, 26:5, 28:3,

34:5, 37:3

sex ratio 8:1, 9:3, 10:3, 14:2, 15:2,

16:1, 26:5, 28:1, 29:1, 39:4

sex reversal 3:4           

sexing 2:3, 8:1, 11:3

sex-linked (see also Payne, Bruce-Lowe)  

 beak 3:4, 31:3, 32:4, 34:5, 38:2,4, 39:2,4

 lethal 9:2, 17:3, 27:4,            

etc, 15:2, 17:3, 27:4, 28:5, 37:3

sheen (see also grease quills) 12:2, 18:3,

26:2, 30:5, 31:2

shipping birds 27:4

shipping eggs 34:1

short face (see beak)

Show Homer 2:2, 3:4, 4:4 20:3, 24:2

sideburns 3:5, 14:4

silky 2:3, 4:3, 11:2, 14:4, 16:2,

17:3, 19:4, 23:4, 28:6, 30:3,

35:2, 39:4

size (see also weight) 8:3,5, 9:4,

16:2,3, 18: 4, 28:5, 30:2,4, 36:4,

37:4, 39:2

skin color 3:3, 27:2

skull knob 32:3, 35:6

smoky 9:4, 12:4, 13:3, 24:5

sooty 4:2, 8:5, 12:5, 23:2, 29:4





Swallow 3:2, 6:4,5, 22:2, 26:1,38:3

Swift 5:3

symbols 4:4, 5:2, 6:2, 7:2, 10:4,

11:3, 24:3, 27:1

syndactyly (see web foot)

Syrian Flapper or Clapper

30:4, 34:3, 36:5

tail carriage 9:3, 22:3  

Tail double 15:3

tail (see also rectrices)

11:5, 28:3, 29:3, 30:1, 37:4

tailless 23:1, 24:3, 32:3

tail-marked (see also pie-  bald) 4:4,

26:3, 39:2

tameness 29:3, 34:1, 35:1, 39:2

taxonomy 13:3           

terramycin 6:4

testis 14:5, 21:4, 31:5

Texan 18:4     

thiamine 24:5  

Thuringer Einfarbige 13:2, 14:4

Tiger 2:2, 6:4,5, 14:5, 

18:2, 21:2, 26:1,5, 31:3

Tippler 3;2, 6:2, 27:2,  29:3, 32:1       

Tippler red (see Bronze, Brander)

toes (see also web foot, Polydactyly)

10:2, 22:3, 28:4, 35:2, 36:4

tremor 22:2

Trumpeter 6:5, 12:3, 15:1         

18:2, 22:2, 26:3, 27:3, 28:6,

30:5, 31:2, 37:3

tuft on head (see also rose)

5:4, 27:3

Tumbler, LFCL 4:2, 15:1,

18:1, 31:2, 39:4

tumbling 12:1, 21:4, 23:3, 26:4, 31:1, 32:1

tumors 32:6, 36:3




Turbit 22:3, 26:3, 27:3,

32:3, 35:5, 39:2

X Fantail 2:3 

X Owl 2:3, 6:3

X Homer 2:3, 33:3

X Bagdadi 31:3

X Bokhara 37:3

Twins 10:2

type (see feather, body)

Ulmer Taubenbuch  30:5

uropygial gland (see oil gland)

Vienna Tumbler 3:2, 8:3

vigor (see heterosis, disease resistance) 34:3

vitamins 24:5

vulture neck (see naked neck)

wattle ( see cere)

web foot 3:2,4, 7:5, 11:2,

16:2, 17:3, 23:4,

24:3, 28:3, 29:1, 30: 2, 35:2, 36:3

weight (see also size) 2:4,

3:2, 7:3, 8:3,5, 9 4, 20:3, 23:2, 26:4,5, 35:4

white (see also piebald,

pattern names, stencil)

7:4, 8:1, 9:2, 11:5, 16:1, 21:1, 25:4, 26:2,

27:5.6. 28:1, 29:4, 31:2,3, 32:2,4,5 33:2,

34:1,5, 35:3, 38:2, 39:2

white bar (see also stencil, dom. opal) 5:1,

10:3, 17:2, 30:2, 39:1,2

whitesides 2:3, 3:2, 17:

4, 25:3, 27:6, 35:5, 36:5, 38:1

white tail (see also piebald) 19:3, 36:1, 39:2

wildness (see also behavior) 25:5, 35:1,2, 36:2

wild species (see species names) 18:3, 25:1, 34:2

wing missing (wingless) 3:3, 8:3, 32:3, 39:4

wing extra 11:5

wings splayed 36:4, 37:3

Wittouck 10:5

X-ray 5:4, 8:2, 10:6, 26:6

yellow quality 3:4, 28:4




“Grow old with me!

 The best is yet to be!”

  ---Robert Browning




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