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Dilbert is Copyright ©1999 United Feature Syndicate, Inc. This particular strip has been altered from it's original state, and is meant as a parody. Don't worry, be Gnuggy.

TA: Kingdoms Bug/Improvement Suggestions List:

Call them bugs, design flaws, bad programming or just plain typos. Personally I prefer to call them bugs, because they bug me. I have stayed mostly clear of system/configuartion-related bugs, because they vary a lot from user to user, and are too numerous to mention. If you're looking for a solution to a problem you're having with TA:K, this is not the place :) - instead, try the excellent TA: Kingdoms FAQ and/or the Main Troubleshooting FAQ

The buglist is in no particular order for the time being. New bugs are added at the end of each list, unless they're clarifications of already listed ones. Buglist is updated seperately from the Main Page - usually daily (see very bottom of this page for last update-date).

Buglist reflects the latest version of TA:K (1.1BA).

In-game bugs:

Boneyards bugs:

BY is still in beta (no comment), so obviously there are bugs. Apart from general buggyness - dissapearing chat and/or text, join/leave/hosting game complications, etc - here are a few things that bug me:

Cartographer Bugs:

Feel free to email any in-game bugs to for inclusion in this list. Submitted bugs will likely be edited for clarity. Submitted bug suggestions will not be credited. List last updated 30th July '99.