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Originator and
Editor Emeritus
of the Georgia Club
aka Web Sis 1/2
The Georgia Club on
World Issues

This page is dedicated to those in the world that
need our attention and support. All the following
have been submitted to the Georgia Club by either
other Members or just by those who care. We fully
support the following organizations and causes.
Pass this page on to all you know!!

The Hunger Site at the U.N.
This is a really neat Web site. All you do is click a
button and somewhere in the world some hungry
person gets a meal to eat at no cost to you. The
food is paid for by corporate sponsors. All you do is
go to the site and click. But, you're only allowed one
click per day so spread the word to others. Visit the
site, and pass the word.

Tenet is offering free screening mammograms at
affiliated hospitals across the country. Go to, click on "breast cancer
awareness month", then "find a facility", then your
state. You can register over the internet or call
1-800-336-5583." (Apparently they won't do it free
if the woman has an existing breast problem or is
pregnant.) The 800# has an option for Spanish.
Please pass the word around, especially for women
on limited budgets and those insurance challenged.

Urban Legends & Email Folklore
Use this page as a resource to find out if what you
recieve in your email is valid and true....or not.

Email me your submission to this page.
E-mail us

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launched - March 1998
Last Updated: Saturday, 13-Oct-2001 08:26:14 EDT