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Space Links Space Links

Current Space Shuttle Mission

Check out the Space Links.

Solar System Simulator
Amazing. Simulates view of major solar system object from other solar system object. Used in NASA projects. Utilizes texture databases to enhance realism. Takes into account position, time, much more. Can plot orbits of moons.

Live Space Tracking Data
JTrack: Satellite tracking program. Advanced, ability to overlay weather, track hundreds of satellites, plot courses.

JPass: Satellite observation program. Advanced, ability to plan your satellite observations. Ask when the next observation time is. Specify that it can only be during the night. Choose from hundreds of satellites, from hundreds of observing locations.

Very cool site dealing with interstellar and faster-than-light travel. Featured Link.
  Latest from the spacecraft at Mars
Latest from the spacecraft at Mars
Global Surveyor, Pathfinder, Mars 98

Hits since October 27, 1997

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