
The Dative is the case of the Indirect Object and of Personal Interest answering the questions "to whom?" "for whom" or "from whom?"

Dative Case Endings
1st Fem. 2nd Masc. 2nd Neut. 3rd M. & F. 3rd Neut. 4th Masc. 4th Neut. 5th Fem.
Sing. ae o (long) o (long) i (long) i (long) ui (long i) u (long) ei (long i)
Plur. is (long) is (long) is (long) ibus (short) ibus (short) ibus (short) ibus (short) ebus (long e)

Uses of the Dative
Dative of Indirect Object
Dative with Intransitive Verbs
Dative with Compound Verbs
Dative of Possession
Dative of Interest/Advantage
Ethical Dative
Dative of Reference
Dative of Agent
Dative of Purpose
Double Dative
Local Dative/Dative of Place to Which
Dative with Special Adjectives

renovata antediem quattuor Kalendis Juliis MMDCCLV A.U.C. (ab urbe condita)

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