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Mumia's Trial -Is it Legal or Right?

The last time I went to Philly to march for Mumia I could not believe my eyes. A major protest for our Brother in the city of Brotherly Love but a severe shortage of Brothers. Anisa and I drove to this march from Washington,D.C. hoping to see a change of attitude concerning our support for MUMIA. Again our folks stayed home knowing white folks would show up and handle OUR business. You were right we were outnumbered by people from all over the world.

The last time we marched in Philly I was critical of the lack of our own people backing Mumia in this attempted modern day lynching. If this Brother and fellow Warrior goes down, I want to say that I showed my displeasure in person, loudly protesting all day. As a Black man it makes me feel good to show up and let out my frustrations. I also think it's a good idea to let all the non Black people know that MUMIA has concerned BLACK people that will come to Philly in a show of support. I applaud all of our folks, Sisters and Brothers that took the time to support our Brother Mumia.

What did we really do? Nothing, if you consider that Mumia has been on death row for twenty years while getting what even white people call an unfair trial. This March started Friday August,17,2001 at nine in the morning as protester met at the center of this judicial nightmare. We all waited on word of MUMIA'S fate in his attempt to get a new trial. Around noon time or so word came down that there would be further delays but the court didn't see any reason to view any new evidence. The time had already expired for anything to be legally presented that would exonerate this innocent man. Many people question why we back Mumia so much in his quest for freedom. Ask yourself in light of all you know about the misconduct of the police and judicial system,who do you believe?

We were lucky to have a real good vantage point in the march. Dick Gregory, Ossie Davis and Jessie Jackson all spoke about our need to do more in this struggle for equality. If you don't like what's going on, speak with your money. Spend with your own folks.

After we were briefed by Mumia's legal team about the delay. Ramona and Pam then led the March up and down Market street etc. This March disrupted traffic for hours as police and other city official nervously tried to figure out what to do. DEATH ROW, HELL NO,DEATH ROW,HELL NO could be heard for blocks, The outpouring of LOVE was unbelievable as we marched beside hundreds of angry police and city official on bikes. The city also used 4 helicopters to keep us in check and in sight.

There comes a time when we must all understand that we LIVE and DIE by the laws of some racist criminal people. Just because its LEGAL don't make it right. Slavery,Apartheid, The Holocaust and G.W Bush were all LEGAL but not right . If this racist system kills Mumia it may be LEGAL but not right.

Your Brother, Dalaniaamon

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