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> We as Black people have the capacity to return to our own way of doing things. We can and have provided for ourselves long before now. We have been lead to think that our salvation is connected to other people. We have to start to build an image first that will turn into a reality later. That image is us caring about us and us doing for us. We have to start to reach out and learn to be producers or something that will be of value to people in need. We have to stop networking for the sake of just making money. Networking should start to mean less dependency on other people. That is the real reason we all have to bring more to the table. If you think you don't have much to offer in the way of helping your people, your admission is the first step. Most of us are in denial. We must show our youth that we care about our own first. We have to cultivate and help our people by encouragimng them to be producers. The Dr. Vernon John said it best. "Either you become producers or you become a parasite."

We must become the masters of our own destiny and build a nation of self-supporting young men and women. There is much work to be done in our culture that could occupy some of the wasted energy that our youth spend holding down a street corner. Teach yourself and also your offspring about what makes us unique and great as a people. Pass those things on and make it the conversation around you. Get your children involved in upholding the majestic tradition that we have as Africans. If you don't, they will uphold the tradition of what they perceive as our tradition here on television.

Brothers and sisters, reach back to the people in need of some answers. You know that reading has helped you. Make it a goal of yours to introduce someone to the "www". If each one showed one, we could double the amount of people online. I challenge each and everyone in cyberspace to do that. Offer your set up as an option to the people that can't afford it. Open your home as a vehicle off the street to the youth in your family. I have talked about our religion, our culture and even our transition into cyberspace. The other thing that I want to leave you all with is respect for the female. We as men need to cultivate a better attitude about our women. We have to view each other with more understanding and love than we have ever done before. In a new society , it will take 100 percent cooperation to bring about what our creator has planned for us. We need to start to practice that right now. As you read this, don't be afraid to address your people as Brother or Sister. Afford people respect beyond what you or they expect. Set some goals to be better than you have ever been and join the struggle for the liberation of the black mind. Stop finding reasons to do nothing. Please look around and see your role within our society. In the final analysis, you want to remembered for what you did and not what you had.

Together, we can build this new Africa with pride and love for one another. Stop complaining and start working on solutions. You work hard for the white man's crumbs. Why not work for the future of your people? We have advanced the cause of their nation for too long. As you can see, even the people in high place have their own agenda. We must resist the urge to unite and be peaceful with people that don't and will never love us. We keep getting dressed and going to a party that we were not invited to. We are better than that. Let us give our own party and dress and behave the way we know how. We are the people that gave the world its start. Our Creator wants that for us today. Why won't we return to that which is in each and every one of us? The ability to turn this planet around is in our hands. We have become so conditioned to inequality that we won't hold our head up and address the need for change. We are treated as second class citizens because we accept that. Each one of us should grow to be the absolute role model for our children. What are we waiting for? I am counting on you, yes you to reject this way of life and help me build this new Africa.

I love you and always will.

Hotep, Brother Dalani Aamon

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