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Tonya's Make-up Advice

Things Tonya will advise

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Here Tonya will answer all of your questions that you could possibly have with make-up! All YOU have to do is send in your questions at Your questions and answer will be put up the very next day! Tonya is willing to ask any type of questions concerning make-up. If your question and answer is not put up the day after you send it in, you can contact us and we will give you a special I'm sorry that you can download and you will get to chat with Tonya! What more could you ask for?! Tonya's waiting!!!
Our first question/answer!
Dear Tonya,
My mom says that I'm too young to wear make-up and I'm 14! What age do you think girls should start wearing make-up?
Too young
Dear Too Young,
I think girls should start wearing make-up at the age of 12. But obviosly, your mom has different answers! You should try to compromise with your mom. You know give and take. If she doesn't give in then you'll just have to learn to deal with having a make-upless face.
