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1. U.S.C.G. approved Personal Flotation Devices (PFD's) will be worn at all times when on the water during all Coastal Kayaking Association activities, classes, trips, etc. Members are responsible for providing their own PFD's.
2. Members are responsible for providing their own equipment, (kayak, paddle, PFD, etc.) and for making arrangements to transport that equipment to and from trip/class sites.
3. Members are responsible for the condition of their equipment, and for providing euipment suitable for the planned activity. (i.e.: providing a kayak with floatation for a trip to Cumberland Island.)
4. Members are responsible for removing themselves from trips that may be beyond their capabilities. Final responsibility for removing a paddler from a trip lies with the trip leader for that trip. If it is the opinion of the trip leader that a trip is beyond the capability, or experience level of the paddler, that paddler will be removed from the trip.
5. Each trip will have a trip leader. The trip leader is responsible for, and is final authority on all decisions related to the trip, and the safety of the trip. Among the trip leader's duties are:
a. planning the trip
b. checking weather, tides, currents, and charts for the planned trip
c. ensuring that at least one member of the group is CPR and First Aid qualified
d. assigning lead/ sweep boater positions to qualified paddlers
e. arranging the shuttle
f. checking that boats and equipment are safe and appropriate for the trip.
g. ensuring that there is ample food and water (members should provide their own.)
h. making sure the group has a first aid kit, throw/tow rope, pump, etc.
i. ensuring compliance with club policies, and removing non-compliant members

6. Members are responsible for conducting themselves in a safe and responsible manner. Members are also responsible for the conduct of any guest that may accompany them. (Guests of members are responsible for all club policies and will be removed from the activity in the event of non-compliance.)
7. Members are required to observe and obey all U.S.C.G., Dept. of Natural Resources, Federal, State, and Local ordinaces, laws, regulations, and rules at all times when involved with, or participating in Coastal Kayaking Association activites.
