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"Hi I'm Zach"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

Of course it is short
for Zachery my full name
but we're not in court
so Zach is fine just the same.

Verse 2

I'm all of six years old
and I live in Winfield Alabama
with love and warmth not cold
this isn't any kind of drama.

Verse 3

My mama goes to school
and my Grandma owns a store
she does Embroidery from a spool
so life around here is never a chore.

Verse 4

I've been with my grandparents forever
or it would seem like that if you were me
I was 14 months and somewhat clever
to get them to love me so much see.

Verse 5

So this is just to let you know
and if in your prayers each night
you'll think of my family and show
your love them and me is all right.

Verse 6

See ya now my new friends found
all around the world this poem will go
just from me and my little town
maybe you'll make my favorite star glow.

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