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"It was the Quest of Knights"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

"To go on a quest . . .
was the purpose set forth
from fiction and history
of knighthood and lore
to save a maiden fair
to free a monarch rich
or to save a city dark
from the dragon's fire
or a witches curse or brew
all these and many more
were quest's of adventure
required of those just now
whose mantle and title
read, simply, 'Knight.'

Verse 2

Now most think of a quest
as in a matter of days
or maybe even nights
but a quest would for some
takes years and for others
even at the cost of life
but none, no not any
was a quest short or quick
that was only in the movies
where the plot is thick
and the time is limited
to two or maybe three hours,
but in life and a real quest
you must think in years
if not the rest of your life.

Verse 3

For we were sent here
not to meddle in someone's
life or fortunes without a cost
and the cost is always counted
in love, devotion or friendship,
so where you go or what you do
is not of what you would have
chosen most often to do
when at first you chose,
but what Father would have
you do, to be more and grow
beyond the simple knight
upon his steed riding alone
in-between the nights and days
found in the trail from childhood
to youth, to adulthood, to knighthood.

Verse 4

Knighthood is found in service
for not just a day or week
but always, for life and more
for to be a knight today
means to be responsible
for all our earthly actions
and to see them through
for the end is only seen
in movies and on TV
yet we know this life
will continue on in another
sphere where we will know
and be able to see more
clearly with a pure heart
the deeds of knighthood
performed on this stage
which some counted as naught.

Verse 5

Each will have to answer
some day to those before
of how we handled our quests
in search of maidens fair
and cities set to the torch
or for little lost children
and maybe a family in need
or a home in need of repair
for some just to call another
or with a neighbor a fence
to fix and mend once again,
yet whatever this quest
in your realm or journey
it has been done before
and most certainly will again.

Verse 6

It was the quest of knights
to not turn towards home
until the journeys ending
and then only when done,
but as it has been said
it will be said again this once
no quest once started finished
or would end until the maiden
was safe from harm and evil
the town or village again alive
all the witches dead or enchained
and never ever until the other,
the one in need had said,
"Thank you, my good and
faithful servant, now go, go
to your home you've earned
go now to your home and rest. . ."

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