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"In Lovely Splendor I Saw Her Standing There"

Verse 1

She stood there
just now in lovely splendor
dressed all in white
looking beyond divine
as she reached out
to touch my hand
caress my cheek
wipe the tears
from my eyes,
and stood I transfixed.

Verse 2

She knew me at once
as I knew her too
we were in sacred places
and we didn't say a word
all the communications
were from the eyes
the warmth from the heart
and the vision from Father
with Mother standing near
just a moment longer
I wanted her, them
to linger near me now.

Verse 3

Please just hold me now
in your presence it is enough
oh you precious child
now I know why Father
let you come for just a visit
and now accompanies you
just now to let me see
beyond my understanding
to sacred places just now
with special things to dream
about today and then tomorrow
with forever to keep me warm
when the chill comes in.

Verse 4

Oh you should have seen
if I could only describe
beyond human comprehension
the beauty I was allowed
to behold as prepared I'd been
because I was told she'd
be here today just for me
and there she stood
perfectly dressed in white
in a vision of lovely splendor
this child of my child
whose love will now
help keep warm today
and ward off forever's chill.

C.J. Ingerson

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